The truth at long last

Saul could hear voices .

Of course, he was surrounded by people so hearing voices was not such a big deal but the voices he was hearing were too harsh for whatever he was hearing to be okay.

Saul jumped on his feet and turned around.

" Do you hear that ? ", Saul asked the others to be sure he was not the only one hearing the voices as he turned around to the doors of the church .

" Hear what ? " June asked as she looked around , looking for what was supposedly making noise and confirming that it was indeed just Saul that was hearing these voices.

She could hear nothing but she also knew just how sensitive to sound Saul was so she followed him when he stood up and began to walk towards the doors after him.

The others also turned to see what Saul and now June were up to .

Saul threw his hands forward and opened one of the large doors of the church that led to the room that the others were in and the sound of Clay shouting immediately filled the air .

Saul immediately rushed inside,follo
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