The awakening

     I was rushed to Diamond Hospital where my dad worked as a doctor. Deaban and my mom were informed, and they rushed down to the hospital.

 Ivy POV

     I opened my eyes, to find myself in front of an ancient castle surrounded by dark clouds in the middle of nowhere. The castle was very tall, with windows high up, it felt so creepy as my hands were filled with goose pimples, I looked around trying to find an exit place, but I couldn't even figure out how I got there, "I should look around” I thought to myself as I walked towards the entrance. I saw a big wooden gate. "Finally, where is this place?” I couldn't stop thinking about it. 

      As I got closer to the gate I saw two weird-looking horses standing by it. What kind of a horse is that? I walked closer but froze in fear, it wasn't a normal horse but a creature with a half-human body and half-horse guiding the entrance. I was unable to scream, so they wouldn't hear me, I ran back to hide behind a massive wall, and as I ran I stumbled on a stone and fell hard, I screamed in pain but quickly closed my mouth with my hands, hot tears flowed down my cheeks I stood up In fear thinking the creatures were already near me, but then I noticed that they couldn't see me. I stood up, but strangely, I could walk perfectly. I looked down to check the injury, but it wasn't there.

        "How can the big injury I saw just now disappear?” I asked myself. “I must be in a magical castle, but magic doesn't exist in real life”, I thought aloud. "I should find out more about this place", I said as I sneaked past the creatures into the castle, I opened the door and saw a massive passage with different rooms and huge, high stairs. It was dark, but I didn't have any trouble seeing it. 

      The first room I saw was filled with different creepy statues of dragons arranged in a circle with the largest at the center. It had long horns, pointed teeth, long sharp claws, massive wings, and big scary eyes. I immediately left the room, and as I had my heart in my mouth, I was so afraid that I didn't bother to see what was in the remaining rooms, I climbed the stairs filled with foul smells and had numerous cobwebs. I looked through the cracks in the wall and saw three muscular-looking men, but instead of human heads, they had the heads of a lion. 

       I ran upstairs and got to another large room which seemed like the throne room. A tall lady with very black long hair, long nails, and eyes like that of a wolf, who was wearing a long black laced gown came into the room followed by another fat woman. She was short unlike the First Lady, she also had long hair, nails, and long pointed ears that extended above her head, she appeared to be the first lady's maidservant because of the way she addressed her. 

      “That must be the magician,” I said quietly to myself. I was far from where they were, but could hear what they said clearly.” Mi lady it's time for your supper” she said. “Bring it in,” the first lady, who I think is the queen, answered. A creature that had huge eyes, a long pointed nose, and a long tongue that came out of its mouth brought a young human boy about the age of 10 into the room. The queen came close to the boy, and sniffed In the air around the boy “This one is fresh” she said, "of course your Highness, he was recently captured” the servant answered. The queen placed her hands on the boy's shoulder and pierced her nails down causing blood to gush out, the young boy screamed, and she transformed into a lady-like creature which instead of hair she had venomous terrifying snakes on her head and instead of legs she had long tail like that of a big black cobra, she then opened her mouth as though she wanted to inhale air, but then she was sapping away the soul of the boy, the boy held his neck as he gasped for air. 

      She dropped the dead body of the boy, who had turned black and hard like stone. When she finished and transformed back into her former self. I could hear the sound of my heartbeat, as fear gripped me and I couldn't move, she turned in my direction and looked me straight in the eyes, I screamed and immediately opened my eyes, and saw myself in the hospital with my Mom and Dad beside me, tears flowed down my eyes as I screamed in pain and panted furiously.

       My body felt like I was in a volcano, and the molten lava pierced and burnt my skin, I couldn't alter any words but only screamed in pain. Mom held me and patted my head, "It was only a dream” she said with a sad tone. After a few minutes, which felt like an eternity to me, the pain subsided and started crying more “Mom she saw me, she is going to kill me Mom” I said in tears. “No one is ever going to kill you” Dad replied, “you… don't understand, the woman with snake hair and cobra-like tail saw me, she sapped the boy's soul and killed him,” I said, shivering in fear. “Dad is here. Nobody can harm my little angel, take this drug. It will calm you down” Dad said as he handed me the glass of water and the drug. I took the drug and soon later I began to feel drowsy and fell asleep.

Deaban POV

    "Honey, what's wrong with Ivy? What's she talking about? My wife asked in tears. Don't worry, she will be fine” I replied. “That has… No, It must have been Linda Ivy saw, her demon self must be awakening”, I said to myself.

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