
Daniel's heart raced as he listened to the woman's words. He couldn't believe that he might finally have a chance to get revenge on the people who had ruined his life.

"Who is it?" he asked, his voice barely above a whisper.

The woman hesitated for a moment before replying. "It's someone high up in the organization. Someone who has been working with the government to bring down anyone who opposes their agenda."

Daniel's mind raced as he tried to think of who it could be. He had never been privy to the inner workings of the organization, but he knew that there were a few key players who had more power than others.

"Do you have a name?" he asked, his voice urgent.

The woman nodded. "His name is Samuel. He's one of the key leaders of the organization, but he's been working with the government for years. He's the one who set you up, and he's the one who has been orchestrating everything from behind the scenes."

Daniel felt a surge of anger and hatred towards Samuel. He had never met the m
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