Chapter forty eight : Alone

Silas followed him far away from the environment until they arrived at a less noisy place, and he watched the man walk Into a large temple. Throughout the time he arrived there he had not spotted anything that was whole, everything was wrecked but he couldn't figure out why the temple wasn't ruined and the place was free of the aliens.

Silas carefully followed the man inside the building. The place was clean and very beautiful. There were large bulbs hanging on the ceiling and melodious music filled the air.

"Wow…," Silas whispered, then looked forward again to the man who walked into the next room, shutting the door behind him. Silas followed suit as he tried to open the door but he couldn't lay hold on it which got him curious.

The first time he saw the man he didn't seem like a human because those creatures couldn't harm nor see him but how was he able to open a door?

Silas seemed perplexed but there was only one way to find out.

Silas passed through the door and he couldn't believ
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