Chapter one hundred and seventy six: My sister, the key
"What is on your mind?" Andy interrupts Thomas's thought.

"Nothing," he sprained his eyebrows slightly then looked forward again.

"I can see through you Thomas. You are scared. You are scared that you might fail everyone," Andy hesitated. "You have nothing to fear because you will save them and when you do you will be rewarded and known as a hero. Your fame will spread so wide that you will forget your sorrow at this Moment,"

"No," Thomas interrupted. "No one should know about this. When it's over, it is best we return to our normal life and forget that any of this ever happened,"

"Why will you say that?" Andy asked with his face wrinkled in curiosity.

"What do you think will happen when the world discovers a reality like this one? We live in a world of mixed races. A time where people's hearts are darkened with desire to do evil. If they find out that the multiverse is real then that will lead to many acts of madness,"

Andy jerked immediately after Thomas’s words. "You are a very stra
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