Chapter 138

“We have to get him to the bend in the river.” Talia told Kaya.

“Can he travel?”

“He will have to, we need to settle before the winter and Bram needs to heal, the best thing for all of us is to get to the bend.”

Kaya knew Talia was right, she felt the urge to settle for winter the same as Talia did, Bram was a concern and she had no idea if he would make it. He remained unconscious fighting for his life.

“I feel it to,” said Kaya, “we should go this morning, will you let everyone know that we are leaving?”

“Of course.”

“I’ll stay with Bram until you get back, then I’ll harness old Percy and we can get going before noon.”

When Talia left Bram’s tent, Kaya looked at her friend, the burly man was lying on a buffalo skin blanket, sleeping fitfully. She watched his breathing, it was still labored and shallow, Talia said the venom attacked the victims muscles, making it hard to move or breathe. Kaya didn’t want to remember Bram as he was now, she wanted to remember him like he was in Ondu,
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