Failed seduction

Dean shook his head. Blakely had implied earlier that she did not enjoy idle games, but was now playing an idle game.

He did not have the time for all these.

He had a lot of important things on his schedule for the day.

“You won't look so bored if you understood the mad love we could make.” Blakely said boldly. Or a spicy fuck session. Anyone you prefer.”

Dean's jaw dropped.

He had never had a woman come so boldly at him. Not even Leilani after they had been together for years.

He struggled to regain his composure. “This is hardly an appropriate conversation to be having with me Ms Baker.”

“Oh, fuck that.” She said. “Ms Baker, really?”

“I am married.” He said showing off his wedding band, happy to be able to use his temporary marriage as a shield.

“Again with the societal expectation nonesense.” Blakely said in irritation. “You want us to ask permission
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