Apology 4

At this moment, Long Tian wasn't feeling well.

He believed in his wife's abilities and sensed she probably created a new record from the eager expressions of the group in the office.

But this made him keenly aware of their impending separation. The fact that the woman responsible for his current state of mind was unaware of his misery only made the matter worse.

'Yue'er doesn't understand my fears and apprehensions. There's nothing I can do to convince her to return to the Long Mansion with me...'

Brimming with frustration and helplessness, Long Tian pushed his wife to the only desk in the room and faced the group of eight.

"Young...Young Master Long, we..."

"You must be from the Board of Education and the Department of Education. We don't have all day. So make this quick."

The expressions of the eight individuals turned ugly. They didn't expect Young Master Long to be so overbearing and dismissive of them. Even though it was said they came to apologize for the two education de
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