"Uhnn Uhnn Uhmmm"

      Not again! He could screamed that on top of his voice. Damn! Why was it always at that spot. Why was it always at that time? Why was it always whenever he wanted the best part of the lady? Why was it always when his erection tiptoed? Why was it always whenever his hungry hands soothe their anger on the taunting tits of his opponents? Why was it always when the lady was having the best time with him? Why was it always when the both of them were already engrossed. Like caught up in some elevated Utopia. Why was it always then? He couldn't make meaning of it. He tried really hard to, but his acumen was been smothered. His guesses were not fleshing. He knew that they would remain skeletal. He feared that their bones would be super creepy. He feared that he wouldn't be able to have them soothed or fixed. He didn't even know what to think. He simply needed to ask. As the callous R

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