The Wedding

That morning, the sunlight played games with the leaves, creating a magical blend of shade and golden glow. The fresh scent of flowers and herbs wafts in the clean air. It was as if nature itself was participating in celebrating this historic moment.

The once simple assembly hall now sparkles in the splendor of natural jewels. Folded flags made of silk fluttered brilliantly, and decorations made from dried leaves and fresh flowers decorated every corner of the room. The light from the shining totems reflected the colors of life, implying a new awakening of their power.

A moment before the sunlight reached its peak, I came to Nola who was getting ready in the preparation room. The soft light from the crystal chandelier reflected a beautiful glow on her dress made from natural materials, giving her an aura of stunning elegance.

When she turned around to see me, her sweet smile filled the room. "Ares," she said in a soft voice that seemed to wash away my nervousness. "You shouldn't have
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