118 - I'm not a lackey!

A thunderous roar shook the air as the swarm of monsters attacked, their grotesque faces twisted in a mix of rage and hunger.

Aiden held his ground, electricity sparking around him as his powers surged to life. His eyes gleamed with fierce determination, and with a swift movement, he summoned two double blades, their edges glistening in the chaos.

The first monster lunged at him, but Aiden sidestepped it with ease. With a swift slice of his blade, he cut a deep gash across the monster's body, letting the blood spill onto the rubble-littered street. He dipped his finger in the monster's blood, and then reached into his pocket, pulling out a vial. It was a potion from his system, designed to return these monstrous creatures to their human forms. But it came with a hefty price for its little blue elixir—$15,000 per bottle. Yet, to Aiden, it was worth every penny if it meant saving these innocents from their monstrous fate.

He uncapped the vial and carefully mixed the potion with the m
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