
The next few days were used to shop furnitures, kitchen appliances, and everything other things needed at Tiffany's new house.

On Saturday, they did the painting, and decorations of the house.

The girls, Marlie and Zoey didn't even allow Tiffany to choose the color of paint or wallpaper that she wants in her house and did everything for her, the girl nodding her head at everything they did, leaning on Aiden from time to time because of how weak she was.

They all insisted on doing everything in the house themselves instead of hiring people to arrange the house for them.

While the girls arrange the bedroom, Aiden and Declan did the work in the living room from setting the dining, the chairs and center table, and everything in the living room.

By the time they finished arranging the whole house, from the living room, to the kitchen, to the toilet and bathrooms, and every other place, it was almost seven in the evening.

They fell to the fluffy couch and breathed heavily, Marlie pushing t
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