Lessons for Nathan (Past - 3)

But despite his protests, doubts lingered in the air, casting a pall over the once-unified family. As Nathan watched the turmoil unfold, torn between loyalty to his father and empathy for his brothers, he couldn't help but wonder if there was truth to the accusations or if they were simply the product of a family torn apart by envy and mistrust.

Nathan stood there, observing everything without saying anything. Nathan felt his anger rising as he witnessed his uncle's taunts and hurtful words, but just as he was about to respond, his mother grabbed his hand and pulled him away. “Don’t say anything in the middle. It will make your dad angry,” she advised. Natahn furrowed his brows and looked at her. “How can you say this, mom? Can't you hear what they are saying? They are accusing Dad of the work he didn’t do. Did you ever see him distinguish between me and their kids?" "How can they say that?" And if we don't take Stanf for dad, then who will?" Nathan asked. Nathan’s barked. Even though
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