Chapter 14
He immediately rushed out of his office and instructed the task team leader put a notice outside the cafe without telling the leader what the notice was all about.

" What the notice sir"

" Oh sorry, I forgot to say that" he apologized.

" An exam would be conducted for anyone who wishes to get the job".

" Exam" they all chorused.

" When did they start to have an exam for employment to work at the cafe?"

" That was then, now henceforth, exams would be conducted for anyone who wanted the job".

As he was about to leave, something struck his mind.

" Oh, I almost forgot, please put a date and that would be the deadline tomorrow"

Immediately the notice was changed, and the news traveled far wide. All those who wanted the job never expected an exam to be conducted and the deadline was tomorrow. They wished it wasn't so that some had to give up on the dream of working at the cafe.

The next morning was very busy. The presiding president hoped the umb o those who wished to work at the cafe
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