Chapter 34

Feeling surprised at his uncle Harrison's reaction he couldn't help but ask.

" Uncle, what's wrong with Uncle Harrison?".

" Don't worry Justin, Uncle Harrison is fine".

" I think he isn't in the mood right now so don't worry and besides, why are you here?".

" Oh Uncle James, Father promised me a birthday gift, and am waiting for it" he replied immediately.

" If my guess is correct the gift should be cake, right?" James asked him.

" Uncle, how did you know?" Feeling surprised.

" Cute, how would Uncle James not know am also like a father to you? Hahaha," he laughed.

" Well Uncle James since you're here for the birthday also, I promise to give you part of the cake".

" So, if I wasn't here you wouldn't give me?" He asked surprisingly.

" Of course Uncle James I would give you but not as big as the one I would give you now" beaming with a smile.

" Well if that is the case, I better hurry your uncle and father are waiting for me".

" Alright Uncle James," he said letting go of his hands.

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