Villains Falls Down, But Heroes Falls Down Harder

"That's everyone."

"Yep—. Pretty much."

Dusting away his hands, Vincent would respond to Kira as they wiped the floor with the enemies.

With Kira using her abilities more proficiently with range, Vincent didn't have to constantly teleport in and out, treating Kira as some kind of explosive whenever she attacks.

"Let's go."

After all that, they entered the backdoor, and just as they thought that things were going smoothly, the corridor was blocked by Sentient Guards.

"Oh no," Vincent muttered.

There were five of them and with both Kira and Vincent blacklisted, they all fired on sight.

With less than enough space to dodge, Vincent quickly held Kira by the shoulder and blinked past them.


Both of them ran deeper into the corridor and took a turn, hoping that it would be the way to the office.

The Sentient Guards dashed to follow them, but as soon as they took the turn as well, the two were already out of sight, proceeding to clear the corridors.


Vincent and Kira were able t
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