A Whole New World

Peter McCoy lay on his bed, engrossed in a discussion with his Ultra AI about the intricacies of the multiverse and the maniverses. The Ultra AI explained to him that the multiverse is composed of an infinite number of universes, but there exists an even greater entity called the maniverse. Peter was astonished to learn about this concept and expressed his surprise.

The Ultra AI further elaborated on the nature of the maniverse, stating that it is an expansion of the infinite multiverse and serves as the source of creation itself. While the multiverse is composed of countless universes, the maniverse surpasses them in scale and significance. It encompasses all creations, timelines, and variations of the universe, ranging from the multiverse to the metaverse, the omniverse, the megaverse, and even the ultraverse. Each of these universes expands from the maniverse, which is life in its purest form, devoid of physical existence yet holding the essence of life itself. It represents a harm
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