
In the aftermath of the devastating battle, The Order's soldiers were on high alert.

It didn't take long for the BlackHand to make their presence known, as they began to group together, seemingly with the intention to convert, kill, or imprison any remaining members of The Order.

Two men dressed in black coats, adorned with black breastplates bearing the emblem of an open black hand, approached Kline, Robert, and John.

"We suggest you lay down your weapons and surrender peacefully," one of the men stated, in a calm and collected tone.

Kline's eyes narrowed, his grip on his own weapon tightening.

"It appears that even amidst this chaos, the BlackHand continues to hound us like a pack of rabid dogs," he spat back.

The other man stepped forward, his hand hovering over the hilt of his two swords.

"I suggest you watch your tongue, boy," he growled. "Surrender now, or face the consequences."

Kline exchanged a glance with Robert and John, and they all knew what was at stake.

They could eithe
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