The Ritual

As Mary stood in the midst of the battle, her eyes blazed with an otherworldly light.

Her once serene countenance now twisted with determination as she tapped into her newfound powers, drawing energy from the nuns around her.

The air crackled with electricity as she channeled the energy, her hair standing on end and her robes billowing around her.

John being the skilled marksman that he is, took aim at the nuns with his trusty revolver.

He knew that stopping her from drawing power was crucial to turning the tide of the battle.

He fired bullet after bullet, each one expertly aimed at the demonic nuns surrounding Mary.

The bullets found their mark, disrupting Mary's concentration and causing her to falter in her power gathering.

Robert joined John in the effort to disrupt Mary's power source.

He shot his revolver with a fierce determination, injuring any nun who dared to get close to Mary.

John's revolver gleamed in the dim light of the battlefield, a beacon of hope for his comrades as
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