Vampire lords

Mo Fang looked at the three vampire deans with a strange look on his face, their power was so strong just the aura of their strength was able to cause fear in the heart of all the young cultivators present in the hall.

Even the masked men had to bow their head in front of the lord deans.

'This is the strength I want. The strength to instill this much fear in the heart of all my foes, the strength to cause a commanding will on those who don't want to show their respect.'

The three vampire lord deans has different color of hair.

The one at the middle has long white hair, the one at the right hand side has long blonde hair and the last one has long black hair.

As they stared at the crowd, it made the others feel as though they were naked! It was as though they could see inside their heart and even read their thoughts.

The new student of the demon academy stood upright as they watch the lord deans who gave up strong auras.

Demons of different race stood in front of this magnificent
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