Chapter 159: Sea and Sky

The next day:

Cade stood before the Watch Commander, Captain Argus, and Centurion Horen.

“Final count is 158 men still fit for duty, 280 dead and 62 seriously injured. Most of the able bodies were among those that were holding the wall with crossbows. Those on the field rarely survived if they fell. Seven of the twelve knights are dead. I am sorry Captain Argus.”

“They were good men, and died serving Suria in the greatest battle of their day.” Argus said, head bowed in grief.

“What of our heroine and her friend?” the watch commander asked.

“Healer Guerrero is still examining them. They, along with the twenty men that were in quads are still in strange shape. It seems that Captain Argus and I were more correctly disengaged from the quad mind, where Valkyrie and Alexa were not released from that. They remain in sword form.”

“And that scath prince and the fire woman? What of them?” Cap

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