Alice's Arrival

Calvin tried to hold his hand, he felt that he was getting an injection full of energy that made his body feel back to normal. Calvin tried to stand up, looking all over his body. The thin white smoke was still coming out, a sign that there were still wounds that had not been completely closed. Calvin's eyes fell on the woman who had just given the injection, he still wondered why she had helped him.

“How should I thank you?” Calvin asked with a smile that looked happy.

Suddenly the woman took off her mask and showed her face right in front of him Calvin, he smiled so wide it made Calvin even more confused. "Did you forget about me?"

The question given by the woman made Calvin even more confused because he really didn't recognize who the woman in front of him was now, his brain began to spin to remember who the beautiful woman in front of him was.

"It's me Alice, I hope you remember me," said the woman. Calvin was very surprised to hear that, he didn't expect that the one in front of
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