Chapter 77

"Sir, we can't seem to find him anywhere." one of Sultan's men said to him.

Sultan furiously slapped him across the cheek with the other side of his palm.

The man fell to the floor while the ones close by watched it all unfold.

"What did you say to me? How dare you give up?! That bastard is the reason my daughter is dead!" Sultan shouted.

Sultan's men were shocked. So that's why the boss returned in such an awful state? Now they knew better than to anger Sultan any further.

Felix was shocked as well but that didn't stop him from keeping to his plans of using Sultan to escape.

They all continued to search until they heard Sultan's voice. He shouted. Felix had finally gotten hold of Sultan.

"Everyone! This way!" one of the men shouted and led the others to Sultan. They were about to come at Felix but stopped after they saw that he had a gun pointed at Sultan's head.

"What are you all waiting for?! Get him now!" Sultan yelled. Felix had one of his arms wrapped around Sultan's neck and wa
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