Chapter 109 : Trying to Escape the Swamp

Ettienne didn't dare to go against Raphael's orders this time, she quickly helped Albert to push his cart and continued forward, leaving Raphael behind to deal with the monsters that were attacking.

Even though Raphael fell behind, Ettienne believed that sooner or later Raphael would catch up with them quickly. Ettienne felt that the cart brought by Albert was quite heavy, making them have to apply quite a lot of force to make it go fast.

As Ettienne had expected, he immediately saw that Raphael was running quickly following them from behind. They had to quicken their pace because it would be bad if the monsters were to block them from the front and rear.

"Mr. Albert, try to speed up the speed of this cart. We have to move even faster," said Ettienne in a loud enough voice, so that Albert, who was in the front there, heard what he was saying.

"I will try!" It wasn't that Albert wasn't trying, it was just that the horse he had brought seemed to still need rest after their two day jo
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