Chapter 248: "Are we still playing?"
A gentle breeze carried an oily scent through the air. Distant roars, initially faint and unclear, gradually intensified in volume and significance.

Suddenly, Gaige Feryuson found himself in an open, expansive area that left him feeling uneasy.

Perplexed by his circumstances, Gaige slumped down, gazing vacantly at the sky while making feeble attempts to grasp at the mud beneath him.

"Why am I in the mud?" he wondered, his words being spoken with his mouth but only echoing within his mind.

As he continued to survey the peculiar scene, he struggled to recall what he might have forgotten.

Just then, a powerful gust of wind tore through the space with swiftness. However, the wind seemed to be coming from his eyes, so he turned his head to the side to shield himself from it.

Gaige's face stung as the mud struck him with force. It was at that moment that the open space abruptly transformed into a confined area, resembling a dungeon.

"Haha! Seriously."

He laughed as he finally realize
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