Chapter 256: "Welcome to the End!"
Once Gaige Feryuson returned to Earth, the system was no longer with him or anyone else. He was overjoyed when he gazed into his reflection and saw his appearance revert to what he recognized as his original and very first identity—the average-looking Kim Nery. Though he looked plain, weaker, and less imposing than the main character-like appearance of the Commander Knight Gaige Feryuson, he loved his Kim Nery look because it granted him more peace and a sense of calmness.

"Papa! You look uglier!" Lambert pointed out, and he immediately jumped into Gaige's arms when he noticed him descending the stairs.

"You don't have to be rude anymore," Gaige said. He laughed at his son's apt remark. "Bert, the purger system is all gone," and he gave him a kiss in appreciation for the fact that his son still recognized him despite his current downgraded appearance.

Lambert pouted, causing Gaige to laugh even louder. Lambert said, "I am just being honest, papa."

Everyone gathered one by one, draw
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