At my request, the fog puts its finger on her grave once again but this time, Florencia appears. She looks exactly as if she was alive. How come?


“Y-yes.” I am so surprised to hear her voice that I fumble and bite my tongue. I never thought she would look like this. “I-I-”

“What is happening? This…I was not here before, and then I came back?”

“It is only a dream, don’t worry.” I wonder how the place where you are now looks like. But I won’t ask. I shouldn’t ask.

“I see. Well, it’s true that I do tend to dream a lot. I always had, right?”

“Yeah, you were quite the big dreamer, quite the naïve one as well.”

“Fufufu. You are always the same. You are too honest.”

“Hehe. Not as much as you.”

After I say that, silence falls and we don’t say anything for almost a minute.

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