Earl Vs Jake

Both students were standing opposite each other, Earl's left arm was shattered, while Jake was standing there ready to attack, Earl was sweating as the stinging pain in his arm was unbearable, he clenched it with his right arm, but never once removed his gaze from Jake, he saw a message pop up in front of him, but ignored it immediately, he already knew what it was, it was probably just his HP depleting, but he didn't care, although his left arm was shattered, the adrenaline was still rushing through his body and all his senses were alert, Jake began gathering air in his hand once more and repeated the same compressing process until he had gathered pressured air in his hand, he then readied his legs to burst out towards Earl once more, as he gathered the air around his feet, his black buttoned up shirt and black trousers began flowing up about in the air, he readied himself and stomped his black shoes in the floor, as he looked Earl dead in the eye, "Shit!!", Sidney said s
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