Deus Ex Machina

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Deus Ex Machina

By: LazyTanaka OngoingSystem

Language: English

Chapters: 13 views: 1.3K

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The Era of Magic and Technology, the era in which Machina, a former game developer was reincarnated to. It has been two years since he came into this parallel world. Mech, Mage, Flying on a broom, spaceships, Real Magic, lightsabers, Things that Machina had only seen in movies and anime existed here. Life was great here, lives of humans have become easier, many lived in happiness and peace. That was the other side of the coin. On the other side, behind this peace and happiness were endless wars, poverty, and suffering, it was truly the dirty nature of humans that tainted this world, even with the threat of beings called Outer Gods. Humans never stopped killing each other. Machina lived on the dirty side of the coin, even with the privileged of a Reincarnator, Machina had to venture to the junk city which where the Arvan Kingdom dumps theirs trashes. Here the smell of oil, sh*t, trash, and rusting metal was mixed together. And this is also where his legend starts

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13 chapters
Chapter 1
The Era of Magic and Technology, the era in which Machina, a former game developer was reincarnated to. It has been two years since he came into this parallel world. Mech, Mage, Flying on a broom, spaceships, Real Magic, light sabers,Things that Machina had only seen in movies and anime existed here. Life was great here, lives of humans have become easier. Many lived in happiness and peace. That was the other side of the coin.On the other side, behind this peace and happiness were endless wars, poverty, and suffering, it was truly the dirty nature of humans that tainted this world, even with the threat of beings called Outer Gods. Humans never stopped killing each other.Machina lived on the dirty side of the coin, even with the privilege of a reincarnator. Machina had to venture to the junk city where the Arvan Kingdom dumps their trash. Here the smell of oil, sh*t, trash, and rusting metal was mixed.Machina was now a 15-year-old kid who lives in Junk City and was also a student o
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Chapter 2
"I will go straight to the point, the government would like to take in possession of the ship, of course, The Avar Kingdom will give you contribution for it, we will also consider this as a way of repayment for the Avaran Kingdom," Inspector Cherry said as she faced Machina who was sitting in the opposite of her. "Contribution and repayment, huh? doesn't that sound honorable? " Machina nodded, seemingly of understanding what she meant. This made Inspector Cherry sigh in relief, "Yes, this is a great honor for a student like you" Avaran Kingdom system was fairly simple, though, it was only on the surface but it was the same as a scholarship or loan in Machina's past life, the 'help' everyone received had to be 'repaid' with money or something from the possession of the said person. This rule was implemented by the nobles who didn't want to help for free, as for the contribution, it was a rule made by the 1st king of the Avaran Kingdom to continue the prosperity of the Avaran Kingdom
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Chapter 3
The Avaran Kingdom was a small kingdom founded by a knight who wanted to have a haven for his citizens, it slowly grew and became a large kingdom that was recognized as one of the most prosperous kingdoms in the country of Livat.112- Red Mech Academy is located at the center of Avaran Kingdom, as one of the most prestigious academies on the whole earth, it became one of the most sought-after schools by the people aspiring to be a Mech Creator and Mech Pilot.Machina arrived in front of its gates riding Grandpa Jack's Neon bike, "Thanks grandpa" Machina thanked Grandpa Jack with a smile, Grandpa Jack then left, even though Grandpa Jack was old, he was as strong as a bull, ever since the Earth transmigrated many things have changed.Humans' lifespan has greatly increased, it was not strange anymore for someone live up to 200-300 years old, there are also some sages who lived up to 500 years, Grandpa Jack and Granny May were still in their 80's, which is considered fairly young.Machina
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Chapter 4
"Senior Machina! I will defeat you today! Oraaaaa!!" Aqua roared with fire spitting out from her mouth, her personality now differed greatly from now to earlier, she looked like a messed up Valkyrie who just woke up from her hangover. Machina sighed 'Does she have a personality disorder or something? Machina started to wonder, or maybe, Charlotte brainwashed the kid again and made her fired up for the upcoming spar, anyway, undeniably, Aqua's talent is above everyone here. Even Machina admits it himself as he has a cheat as his advantage but Aqua was pure talent, though, she was childish. But she is still talented nonetheless, "Okay, okay shut up now, its going to start" "Okay" Aqua quieted down and entered her Training Mech. Both sides faced each other as the referee of the match announced the start of the match, "First Round of Battle Class: Deus Machina against Starling Aqua, both sides, salute" *Swooosh! The two Mechs saluted at the same time, "Greet" the referee added, the
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Chapter 5
Driving rules are not that strict in the Avaran Kingdom, students from the age of 12 above could get their driver's license as long as they could safely drive around the Kingdom, and also paying a hefty amount of money.Machina didn't have a driver's license but it was fine as he was going to drive outside the Avaran Kingdom where there is a lot of space.Their trip didn't take that long, Machina and Charlotte arrived at Junk City in a few minutes, the ride was much faster with Charlotte's car, but Machina didn't rive in Charlotte's car, only stopped outside the Junk City.Driving the car inside is nothing but dirtying it, Machina got down from the car and looked around, nothing had changed from the Junk City except that there was now an owned sign just near the entrance of the Junk City.Junk City was enclosed with a fence that extended up 5 meters high, also some filth was lying around just outside and inside the fence."Are you going to come?" Machina turned towards Charlotte."Yes
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Chapter 6
3 days have passed since Machina had received the Junk City as a gift from Grandma May and Grandpa Jack. In these 3 days, Machina had also finished his plans, he was very familiar with Junk City, to the point that he had already memorized its every nook and cranny. Well, he didn't really make a full plan but he had something on his arsenal that could help him in time of his need, "Ex, it's your cue to help me now" Machina called out his middle fing- *ahem, Golden Finger. And, yes, he had renamed his Deus Ex Machina to Ex since it's shorter and easier to say. [Answer: 200 meters to the east behind the losorisk trash mountain, you will find a crystal ball] "A crystal ball? that's odd, how does that help me? well, whatever" Machina was confused at first but Ex has never failed him before, Machina faced the east and started moving, whatever that is, Machina will discover it soon enough. Junk City has its own terrains, some were mountains full of trash, and some were mountains and hi
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Chapter 7
*Rumble! The ship started shaking as Machina put Link to the Main core, he could see the whole ship wires started lighting up as if it was becoming alive. [Progress 1%....2%....3%....] Machina heard the voice of Link inside his head, the progress was very slow, and it gets slower and slower as time goes on, he decided not to disturb Link for now, as much as he was excited about what is going to happen. He can't really rush it in fear of something wrong was going to happen. With that in mind, Machina decided to continue his project of building his own Mech, due to some events and being busy, he hasn't started anything yet other than preparing the materials he would need. Though there are still many materials missing, he didn't need it for now though, so with that Machina started building his mech, he had a blueprint ready for this project long ago. He wanted a flexible, versatile, and fast also have good stability, Machina is not a melee type but preferred to be the burst type,
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Chapter 8
"Link, how are you going to bring them here?" Machina asked as he finally finished looking around the ship a few times, it just came out of his mind, Machina came from another world so he have some knowledge about it, but he just couldn't help but think how would Link bring them to life. Does he need to prepare a vessel like a skeleton or even a dead body or something? {It was quite simple, you don't have to do anything as I only need to gather mana in the surroundings to create something called mana body, their appearance will be the same as a normal human except that they are not really human, they will also be bound with me, so you don't have to worry about some unruly ones} Link explained in which Machina somewhat understood, mana body may be a foreign word for him but golems do exist in this world which is also almost the same as mana body though they are very rare. "How about the other things I told you about?" Machina asked. {All done, you said you wanted to make them fe
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Chapter 9
As the day closed by Machina didn’t feel rushed at all, instead, e was much more relaxed, his job right now is to make plans of rebuilding the Junk City, though, not on a big scale but a small scale, since Junk City is full of Junk and he lacked materials to build more things.So, in his hand was a blueprint, using the system of link, he could map the Junk City, there, Machina could see the hills of junks and how high it is, etc, Machina first plan is to clear all of these junks around the mothership and the house of the two elderly.There are about 5 hills of junk near the mothership and 3 around the house, and all of them were above 20 meters in height which is a little hard to clear but that could be fixed soon, Machina can actually command Link or the mothership to clean all of these hills but this hills of junk can be a repeatable quest for the players.Machina sighed as removing these hills of junks will take a lot of time, but can’t be helped as these junks are also resources,
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Chapter 10
“Anyway, Hezalom right?”“Yes”“Good, I actually need your help, we are having some problems with pest lately, and we need to exterminate some of them. Will you kill some of them?”‘Oooh! A action quest already! Yes, this is what RPG is supposed to be!’“Yes! I will be happy to do so!”“That’s the spirit, Here is a sword for you and an armor gear. Why don’t you ‌hunt some mutated rats at south fields of just outside the Junk City, if you ‌manage to kill some of them, I will teach you how to make this baby right here”Machina patted the battle suit beside him, in which Hezalom’s eyes twinkled as he saw it.“Yes! I will go now!”Hezalom snapped his fingers twice before running immediately.Once Hezalom disappeared, Machina sighed and rubbed his face.“It's really hard doing acting. Do I really have to do this?”Machina sighed.“Of course, we are lacking human resources, unless you could bring someone here to take your role then you are stuck here”Link’s voice resounded in Machina’s ear
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