Chapter 24

Grace | Before 

"You think it looks okay?" I ask Mum as she twists part of my hair into a slim plait. 

"It does," she replies. "You're going to steal all the boys' hearts tonight."

"Is Max here yet? Or Carlos and Zeph?" 

"Max and Carlos are," she says. "They're helping with the tables. So sweet, those two."

I smile. Carlos? Yes. Max? Carlos probably guilted him into pushing tables around. He doesn't like pushing tables around, he prefers to watch with his feet up on one.  

"Your dad's here too," she adds. "He's fixing himself a sandwich before the party since he missed dinner. Did you miss him?" 

I'm frozen. If Dad is here, he'll want to talk. He knows that I've met the rep from the Raven's Guild. He'll want to ask me what I think of it. He'll ask me how I feel about the sixteenth of July. 


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