Chapter 10

Maya and Jake had been leading the pack in their search for the hunters, determined to put an end to the threat once and for all. They had been following a trail of evidence, piece by piece until they finally arrived at the hunters' base of operations.

The two of them stood outside the entrance, surveying the area. They could hear the sounds of the hunters inside, preparing for what they knew was about to come.

"Are you ready?" Maya asked, turning to Jake.

"As ready as I'll ever be," Jake replied, his eyes blazing with determination.

The two of them burst into the base, shifting into their werewolf forms. The hunters were caught off guard, and they quickly engaged in a fierce battle.

Maya and Jake fought side by side, their movements in perfect harmony. They took down hunter after hunter, their strength and speed are unmatched.

Finally, they came face to face with the leader of the hunters, a tall and imposing figure with a rifle in hand. He aimed his weapon at the two werewolves, a s
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