We sat there for a while, all in silence. Why would she allow her father to rule all the galax? I know the apple doesn’t fall far from the tree, but this sounds wrong.

I’m the least people to talk about wrong doing because I steal from people to make a leaving. That is my job. But going as far as having the all galaxy to yourself sounds just wrong. The circle of life should just go the way it’s supposed to go.

We all leave in our respective planets and carry on just like that.

I looked at her and found her looking at me as well. But she looked apologetic, or some expression that looked sad.

Then, before I even asked, she spoke, “I know what this looks like, Trevor. I don’t like you and I don’t need to answer to you. But if we are working together to get out of here, you might as well know I don’t want father to get the infinite stones,” she spoke and walked to sit with me.

And my little friend down twitched at her gesture. “You are a thief, but I know you have a good heart. Please, I need your help to do this. If father gets his hands on the stones than we are all doomed,” she added.

“But why should I trust you, as you said? You are his daughter and you might be lying to me because you need me to help you get the stone,” I looked into her eyes. But there was nothing but genuine in there.

But again, trusting and relying on that is something I would never do. People can be wicked and can make up whatever emotion they wanted to display if it meant getting what one wants.

I have done it before.

“Just do it human. We all want to be out of this place. Look at this,” the cat spoke and pointed on top of his head. He was dying. “I’m dead if I don’t complete my mission. And he does as well because we are a team,” he spoke as he looked sadly at his human friend.

They really had a weird connection. But it was better than being alone. They were all right about working together. I needed someone to help me out in order for me to survive as well. I have a kid I needed to get out of prison. If not, I might die or they will reduce my life span to even fewer days.

But trusting them all fully was something I will not do. They all had reasons to kill me. I was the one with the diamond that was worth a fortune.

The cat and the human might betray me because of that. They looked like people that only care for them to survive. What happens to the world at large wouldn’t concern them that much?

And for Maggie, she might betray me because of her father. She is his blood, after all. She might have fallen far from the tree. There is a possibility she took after her mother. But I wasn’t counting on that.

I will just keep my options open for anything.

“If we get out of this place, we all go our separate ways. We have never met and we will not meet again,” I spoke and stood up to look if anyone was eavesdropping.

But the guard was talking to his friend. Slamming their butter beer cups together as they laughed at whatever it was.

“I will keep the diamond if you don’t mind, princess. It will be safe with me,” I spoke as I smiled at her.

“That is impossible...” she trailed off as she walked to me. “How are you able to touch the infinite stone? Humans or anyone else can’t do that. It would have destroyed you right there and then. So how is that possible?” She asked as she looked be with calculating eyes. “Who are you?” She asked.

I stepped back, “I’m me. The only human here. I don’t know how that is possible. Maybe because you didn’t do your research properly. Anyway. I will keep it safe.”

“That is the infinite stone of mischief, and there are a lot of them. Father has one. The stone of Death,” she spoke with emphasis on the word. “I will deal with that later. You both need to get something to survive. To keep playing. At least I have enough to keep me going for months,” she looked on top of her head and her life was enough to keep her for months, as she said.

“Where are you going with this?” We asked as we looked at her.

She smiled and moved to the cat. Then she knelt down before him. “We will work together to get the stones. Father will get others if you don’t help me,” she spoke.

I bust out laughing at what she just said. We were all thieves. Well, some more than others. But we wouldn’t work together because the game will kill us. We fight against each other. We go against each other to survive.

“She is right. I don’t need you, but I don’t want the world to end. It’s fun to steal things from people like you,” the double of me spoke with an angry face.

“What is your name?” I asked.

“Twelve,” he spoke.

“Why?” Me and Maggie asked as we looked at the cat.

“Don’t blame me. I found him like that. And he told me his name is Twelve. And I went with it. I can’t just change it because I want to change it. He seems to love it,” he spoke defensively.

“Whatever. Anyway. Twelve working together will get us killed. They might ask me to do something to either of you, just split us. What can I do if my life depends on killing one of you bastards?” I asked.

They were all quiet for a while. “Like I thought,” I said and walked to look at the guards. But they were still drinking.

“We can control us, Trevor. My father made the game because he wanted the stones. Because he couldn’t find the stones. Everything is at my place. He showed me a lot when I was a kid. He still does. That is why he even sent me to get the stone from you because you betrayed him,” she eyes me.

“Well, ugly told me it is expensive, and I needed it to get to Xenda’s game. But here we are. Anyway, what can you do to keep us as a team?”

I know I will regret asking. This might be the biggest mistake I could ever make. Trusting strangers isn’t my favorite suit. But we can only hope.

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