Act Smartly

‘Sania?’ she was in the terrace when heard her mother calling her, she was definitely finding her in the house after she had not seen her in the room, rolling her eyes she turned to leave the terrace and answer her mother.

‘What happened mom? Why are you calling my name?’ she slumps down on the couch and pick up the remote to on the TV and start surfing.

‘You are here and I was finding you in the whole damn house’ Mrs. Reema was annoyed, she had such a good news to share with her and she was nowhere to be found.

‘And I am asking why?’ her eyes fixed to the TV.

‘off it, I have very good news for you’ she narrowed her eyes to have a glimpse of her mother.

‘I am listening mom’ she still didn’t budge from her place.

‘Fine, listen I talked to Ali yesterday and he had agreed to let you work in Tania’s company’ excitedly she tells her.

‘Why his wife’s company and not their main business?’ irritated she turned to her and questioned.

‘Because, I asked him to’

‘What?’ why would you do that? It
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