I'm Sorry. I Will Be Your Family

"Helping you?"

"Yes, if you know me then that's amazing. After so many years I finally found someone who knows me " Ming Fang said, smiling happily.

"You don't know me?" Yu Bin asked, looking carefully at her face.

It's she playing a prank on me? Yu Bin couldn't help herself to not doubt the person in front of her.

"I'm sorry, the old man said that five years ago I was in an accident. He said he found me at the bottom of a mountain. From what he said, it seems that I fell from a very high height, and from the way my body looks then, I should have been dead. Well, it seems that I am stronger than I look because I recovered very quickly." Ming Fang said proudly, beaming happily. " However, it seems that no matter how many years have passed, my memory doesn't seem to want to come back," she added now looking down sadly "Anyway, now I found you and you will help me recover my memories'' she continued holding Yu Bin hand and smiling hopefully.

Looking back, Yu Bin didn't remember seei
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