Yu Bin. Immortal Of Water Land

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Yu Bin. Immortal Of Water Land

By: Night CompletedFantasy

Language: English

Chapters: 102 views: 1.9K

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When everything resumes to love there is no space for more. We need love to be born, love, to grow up, we need love to win against fate. The story that I will tell you, it's not just about love though, because it's starting with the desire of vengeance, with manipulation and betrayal. When the king and the queen of heaven realm are murdered by the royals of the fire realm, two kids are brought together in water realm and raised by the royals there. The royal family of water realm is murdered by one of them letting the princess of the water realm to live in despair... The princess will die thinking that her soulmate is the killer. One thousand years later the princess, her master and her soulmate reborn. Is her soulmate the killer or not? In this story, I'm not promising you a happy ending because we don't know what the day of tomorrow will bring, but we have hope…..

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  • sarahlovermoon37


    This story is warming my heart .........

    2022-11-04 19:10:02
  • Toxic game


    I really love the book , I was so surprised when XianChen let Yu Bin think that she killed the monster , and protect everyone. ...

    2022-09-17 15:33:17
  • Kim Roxxy


    i love it , its very interesting

    2022-09-16 21:08:24
  • Happy Pills


    the story its interesting keep it going

    2022-09-16 15:28:09
  • Happy Pills


    waiting for new chapters

    2022-09-16 15:25:53
Latest Chapter
102 chapters
A Lesson To Remember
"Is she dead? " "That's what I heard," "Hey, did you hear? That evil woman died. " "I heard that's good. She should've died a long time ago." "I heard she killed the queen and the king," "I heard that too. What kind of kid was he, to kill his own parents?" "That's incredible." "I heard she killed Bao Fang too," "Wasn't Bao Fang his master?" " Yes, I heard she trained her," "I can't believe this woman, she killed her parents, her master and I heard before she committed suicide she killed the prince of heaven too. " " I heard she took out her own golden core," "I told you she is a demon," "He suicided knowing that she can never be reborn again." "Even if she will be reborn, she can never be immortal again," " That's good, that's good, it's better to never be reborn, after all, she was a sinner, she was a demon " "Are you sure she is dead? " "I am, I know from someone I trust that her body got burned by the Princess." "Poor Princess to think that her sister killed the
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Was Just A Dream
"Miss, miss ... wake up, wake up, miss." An unknown voice was heard, and Yu Bin woke up confused. "What happened?" Yu Bin asked, opening her eyes, and in front of her was a ticket collector. The same ticket collector who woke her up many other times. "Miss, you have reached your destination ...." He said, making Yu Bin realize that it was just the usual dream she had for a long time. If you were to say how long ago it started, you would have lost count "Oh, thank you, sir. You always care to wake me up at the right stop," Yu Bin said, smiling gratefully at the ticket collector. "It's my job, miss. Have a good day," he replied before moving on to the next passenger. Yu Bin gathered her belongings and stepped off the bus, feeling a sense of deja vu as she walked towards her destination. The dream always left her feeling unsettled, as if there was something she was missing or forgetting. "Yu Bin..." the old man called out when she was about to go down. "Yes?" "Thank you f
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A Mother's Love
You have a point here. So I'll take care of that boy and you both go talk with his mom ..." "yes boss" "Okay, boss," They both guys said and took off . They only had six hours until the trial, so they had to move fast. On a normal day, time will seem to pass so hard, but today, it was looking like time was working against them. Yu Bin first went to the boy's house, but of course, there was no one there. She went to the boy's workplace but found out that the young man had resigned that day without giving any plausible reason to the boss and making her believe more and more that her theory is real. The boy resigned, and he was not at home. He will most likely try to flee the country. "Hello, Moon, please let Xian Chen talk to the mother, and you return to the office urgently. Check if any plane tickets have been bought in the boy's name. I think he will flee the country." Yu Bin picks up the phone and calls Moon immediately. The thought that the boy would flee the country was
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Why Did You Do It?
*Mom ... do you hate me now?* Just thinking about it, the young man feels like he's suffocating. It seemed that the air was no longer reaching his lungs, and his heart was tightening rapidly. What if his mother tells him that she really hates him? If he tells him that he will never forgive him? What should he do in this case? However, this thought did not give him peace. Whatever the answer was, he had to ask. Breathing deeply, with tears in his eyes, looking at his mother, who was looking everywhere, but at him, the young boy asked the question "Mom ... do you hate me?" The boy asked, and his mother looked at him confused. "Why would I hate you?" His mother's answer caught him off guard. Didn't she know what he did? Didn't she see? Why is she asking him now? Gathering his strength and trying to control himself from the crying that was ready to suffocate him, the boy tries to explain to his mother "Because I ... because .... " but he could not say more. The crying that thre
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Nothing Is What Is Seems
"No, I don't love you, I hate you, you killed my beloved master," Ah, how much he wished now to be able to change the past, but how could he? The deed was already done. He was the cause of her pain. Yu Bin was in pain now because of him... if he could change his decision made that terrible night. If he had stayed with her, if he had stayed with the master. If he could change what happened that night, he would gladly do it. He would give his life to be able to change the past and to see that innocent smile once more without any worries. But the past cannot be changed, the tragedy of that night cannot be erased. That's why he will always stand by her side. If he can take on himself even a fragment of her pain, then he will. " I'm sorry..." He whispers slowly as if just for him. He wanted to get down on his knees and ask for forgiveness and cry until he had no more tears, but who was he to do that? Who is he that Yu Bin should forgive him. That's why all he said was I'm sorry. "I hat
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A Case That Break Their Heart Part 1/2
"Ah, another dream." Yu Bin said sighing. Slowly getting up from the bed, she went to the window and pulled the blinds. The sun had already risen outside and was beating timidly through the branches of the trees in front of her apartment. "I wonder what these dreams are ... " she said to herself, looking outside at the cars that were hurrying to reach their destination. " more importantly, how did I get home?" Sighing again, Yu Bin turned and picked up the towel lying on the couch and a change of clothes, then went to take a shower. She was supposed to go to work today, but for some reason she felt extremely tired. She was not physically tired but mentally. Some memories from last night came to her mind and the clearest was Xian Chen's crying face. Yu Bin suddenly stopped with her hand on the bathroom door handle and her eyes widened in shock. Why had Xian Chen cried the night before? What exactly happened? Xian Chen was crying, saying sorry. Why was he crying? Did she say someth
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A Case That Break Their Heart Part 2/2
Closing the door behind her, Yu Bin took her phone out and called Xian Chen. "Hello, Xian Chen, did you find anything?" "Not yet, boss." "Looks like they died eight or ten years ago, so look at the disappearance of two children from eight to ten years ago." "Okay, boss." " Is Moon there?" "Yes, he's on his computer trying to restructure the image of bones. Looks like it's almost over. Boss, from what I've seen so far, they're both boys." "Yes, I know . one is five years old, and the other is twelve. Anyway, see you there. I'll be there as soon as I can." " "Got it, boss. We'll keep investigating and update you with any new information we find." "Thanks, Xian. Keep up the good work." Yu Bin answered and hurried to go back. As Xian continued to search for clues and Moon worked on reconstructing the image of the bones, the team was determined to solve the mystery of the two missing children. With their dedication and expertise, they were confident they would uncover th
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Sea Of Pain
"I love you, " Xian Chen said, his eyes full of deep sadness. What else could he have said? Whatever he said, it all boils down to two sentences. I love you, I'm sorry. The rest would have been just excuses..."I love you too, " Yu Bin replied with a wistful smile. Ah, in front of her was the person she loved with all her heart. The person who made her see the world as it really was. In front of her was the person who was always by her side. Thinking of all the times when Xian Chen was with her, Yu Bin smiled with tears in her eyes.[[I'm sorry, Yu Bin, I'm so sorry. It's my fault. It's my fault, I killed them all, I'm so sorry, Yu Bin]]The words suddenly echoed in her ear, and the smile froze on her lips.No, you can't love him. Whatever it is, she won't love him again. If she has to take her heart out of her chest, then so be it, but she won't love him again."What happened? " Xian Chen asked timidly. In a way, he already knew, it was over... Yu Bin had also remembered the rest of h
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On The Trail Of The Criminal
Awakening from her sleep, Yu Bin got up from her bed somehow melancholic. Did she just dream of Xian Chen crying again? Something must be wrong with her. The thought *he is cute when he cries * is more wrong than everything. Yu Bin took her clothes and the towel and had a hot bath trying to clear her mind. After she had the bath, she dressed and left for work. Coming down from the bus, she expected to see Xian Chen, but to her disappointment, he was not there. Reaching the office, she looked for Xian Chen, but he was nowhere to be seen. "Good morning, Moon." Yu Bin said, seeing Moon doing something on his computer. "Good morning, ma'am. How are you?" Moon answers, looking at her curiously. The things that happened last night were coming back into his mind. The fact that his boss last night was looking in so much pain and today she was ok made him somehow surprised. But, thinking that she was extremely drunk, it made sense. "I'm fine, but where is Xian Chen?" Yu Bin asked curiously.
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Remembering The Past Part 1/2
"Xian Chen," Yu Bin called out to him softly with a trembling voice, but Xian Chen ignored her. He was completely lost in thought and did not understand how he could make such a mistake."Xian Chen, please..." Yu Bin said again, trying not to make sudden movements but at the same time trying to draw Xian Chen's attention to her."Xian Chen, for God's sake..." Yu Bin said a little louder, but Xian Chen was not the only one who caught his attention. The characters who were a few meters away from them saw them as well."What? what? what is it?" Xian Chen said, sighing and finally looking at Yu Bin, who looked shocked. In the first phase, he wanted to scold her, but when he saw her face, he ran towards her, then he suddenly stopped and turned in the direction Yu Bin was pointing his finger at."Run….fast, Yu Bin run . " he shouted desperately. Yu Bin had to leave so he could do his job. He could not fight in front of her. If Yu Bin will be there when he fights, then there is a possibility
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