Zaria Dove
Zaria Dove
Author: Maya Ali

As I fix my gaze on the ceiling of my prison cell, I notice the ceiling covered with dust and cobwebs.

Tears stream down my face, wetting my hair, as I reflect on the torment that has plagued my existence. It has been an endless agony, a series of traumatic experiences.

In the depths of my mind, I silently question, “Why, mother?”

Even with blood trickling from my forehead, I am numb to any physical pain, or perhaps the pain is overshadowed by the weight of my emotional anguish.

I feel sorry for my ignorance, as since we learned to walk, they fed us nothing but lies.


Time to time, scientists have stumbled upon evidence suggesting that our world is not the only one in the galaxy. Some even propose the existence of hundreds of other worlds in different galaxies. However, uncertainty still hangs in the air.

These theories speculate about the possibility of extraterrestrial life or other extraordinary beings that are as alive as we are, yet fundamentally different.

The idea of something non-human existing in the vast expanse of outer space has captured the imaginations of many.

But what if I were to tell you that this belief is wrong?

Many years ago, a devastating illness began to afflict humanity. It spared no one, regardless of age or race. It spread relentlessly from person to person, forcing people into isolation and prompting large-scale operations.

Experts from all over the world joined forces in their efforts to find a solution. Yet, despite their tireless work, every breakthrough proved futile. Two decades passed, and the population dwindled to a mere 3.5 million survivors.

However, in accordance with our inherent human nature, we refused to give up. With no more opportunities for experimentation within our own world, we shifted our focus towards the vast expanse of outer space.

After years of tireless research, a significant breakthrough finally occurred. An unidentified substance was discovered, originating from a colossal asteroid.

This particular asteroid had piqued the curiosity of a scientist due to its emergence following this devastating plague, an occurrence unprecedented in celestial history.

By scraping the powder off the asteroid’s surface and utilizing it in experiments, they experienced their first glimmer of success after all those years.

They aptly named it the “Cure!” However, acquiring more of this substance to address the root cause of the illness proved to be an incredibly challenging task.

The entire asteroid was as immense as a whale, and courageous individuals were dispatched with tools to extract a substantial amount of this precious “Cure.”

Little did they know that the solution they believed would save the world would ultimately lead to its destruction.

As a last resort, they employed a massive hammer-like object with razor-sharp edges to break the asteroid, as no other options remained.

With all their might, they struck the asteroid, unaware of the catastrophic consequences that awaited them. A powerful wave of energy rippled through the air, knocking the workers off their feet and severing them in two.

However, that was merely the beginning of the extraordinary events that unfolded.

The energy that surged through the air was intangible, yet it felt as though a colossal shard of glass had cleaved through the heavens, crashing into the earth with such tremendous force that it triggered a cataclysmic earthquake.

The ground ruptured in numerous locations, causing people to plunge into a profound slumber.

If one were to seek a scientific explanation, it would be rather straightforward - our bodies succumbed to the overwhelming vibrations induced by the earthquake, resulting in collective unconsciousness.

However, if one were to entertain a miraculous explanation, I would venture to say that we all died and were miraculously revived the next morning.

When everyone eventually regained consciousness, they found themselves in a world that was utterly unrecognizable. The power had vanished, and the majority of residences lay in ruins.

Yet, the most astonishing sight was the fracture in the sky, with an enormous glass shard piercing through it. The shattered portion of the sky shimmered with a golden hue, while the rest of the celestial expanse remained unchanged.

Now the earth had massive holes and some parts were elevated above the rest. But that’s not all.

The next day, teams were sent to evaluate the damage and they discovered a strange aurora at the very bottom of the world. It created a doorway that led to a reflective mirror, a mirror you could pass through.

In the mirror, there existed an identical world, bustling with countless people.

These individuals, just as human as we are, stood before us, fully armed with an array of weapons, guns, and swords, dressed in leather suits. What amazed us even more was their flawless fluency in our language.

Without any hesitation, they took control, overpowering all of us who were labeled as Type A. We became their captives, subjects of their close examination.

They observed us meticulously, studying our similarities and our methods of communication.

Once they were satisfied with their analysis, they presented us with a choice: either coexist with them, following their rules, or face a fate worse than death - being buried alive beneath the surface of the earth, left to suffocate in darkness.

Despite their technological superiority, scientific knowledge, and combat skills, they acknowledged our shared humanity. They needed an ally to combat a formidable enemy, one even stronger than themselves.

They required our numbers by their side. Thus, a truce was established. We would live under the governance of Type C, and in return, we would be granted the right to exist in a world that rightfully belonged to us, not them.

You may be thinking that if there is a Type A and Type C, there might be a Type B, the missing piece in this intricate puzzle. Yes, you guessed it right. Type B exists, Type B represents the enemy that Type C has been battling for centuries on their own planet.

According to them, Type B used to be a smaller group, but somehow, their numbers grew. They say that humans were to blame for this increase, but I disagree.

Their world, just as vast as ours, offered plenty of hiding spots for Type B to flourish, and now it seems they have come out of hiding.

Perhaps Type B sees Type C as the reason for their world’s downfall, just as Type C thinks we are responsible for theirs. But the truth is, we are all interconnected now, our worlds merged like two bubbles next to each other.

And within this combination, Type B poses the biggest threat, harboring an unexplainable anger towards us. Their shapes and sizes remain unknown, adding to the mystery.

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