A Scethcs

The train whistle screamed and started to move. Alsava leaned her shoulders against the second-class model seat and tried to sleep when the train almost reached the 15 th station.Its such a long trip.There were 9 more stations to go before arriving at her destination.

But she could not close her eyes.She felt the same yesterday weight on her back ,like a wounded bird drooping its head on the ground when she looked outside through the window train where those trees seemed as if they were running along the and so did the poles of the telephone wires all moving .

Ach , the dusk was nearly came, the train was about to stop discharging those passengers and brought some more from station to the next ones before arriving at the last one .

Her body was a bit shaking forward when the train really stopped.Oh , finally arrived. She heard herself talking inside " we get on here .Why silent? Do you have heart to see me carrying two briefcases ,walking alone,none

to talk with? Then why l still
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