chapter 25 : Atlas market

Ron spent all of his time refining mental energy. It was like a black hole that was constantly forcing mental energy into his body

The mental energy was filling his core and enhancing his physical strength, but still, it was not the same as the mental energy inside the monster core, as the energy inside the monster core was much more concentrated as well as more pure.

There were five days left until the start of Steval Academy, in the evening while Ron was busy refining mental energy, Leon came and urged him to go out for a while and go to the market that he mentioned before.

Atlas Market, that was the name of the largest trading site within Firehomeland City, everything was sold here, from simple things like life necessities to good things like training resources, like monster cores, elixirs, and weapons.

In fact, slaves were sold in this market. Although some cities within the Saka Empire prohibited human trafficking as slaves, due to the lack of reaction from the Emperor toward
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