chapter 29 :

Nicholas grunted in anger and said

Unfortunately, it is not possible to stay in the academy!!!

Ron stupidly looked at Nicholas

“I can’t stay!?, but…”

Before Ron could finish speaking, Nicholas interrupted him

“You didn’t get my point. I didn’t tell you that you were expelled from the academy or something…’s just that it’s dangerous for you to stay here. Even though the principal and I destroyed all evidence of your identity, there are some who succeeded in obtaining your information.” Before us!, it's only a matter of time before the organization finds out that you've entered Steval Academy, although they can't harm you inside the academy or even inside Firehomeland City, but outside is another matter entirely."

“Although you can stay in the academy, there is a rule that every person who advances to the Root Realm must complete one quest at the end of the month, and I’m afraid some will take this opportunity to kill you.”

Ron's expression softened when he heard Nicholas' e
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