Ending his cultivation

After a few minutes, the sweet fragrance that emits out of the meat increased greatly. Wang Lei was done with the preparation of the meat. He called unto Lu Xun and Yin Deng, who quickly came to meet him. He couldn't wait to see the surprised look on their face if they eat the meat.

Seeing that he was done with the preparation of the meat. As soon as the sweet fragrance hit Lu Xun's nostrils, she knew something had changed. The fragrance had grown stronger and more intense, almost like a perfume; they couldn't wait to taste this sweet pleasant delicacy that was in front of them.

Wang Lei watched as Lu Xun and Yin Deng prepared to try the sweet-smelling meat. Without hesitation, Lu Xun cut off a small piece and tossed it into her mouth. She chews it thoroughly, a satisfied expression appearing on her face.

"This is so delicious!" Lu Xun exclaimed, before reaching for another piece.

It was sweet and succulent, with a flavor that seemed to change with every bite. And then, just as she w
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