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The Divorced Billionaire Heiress
The Divorced Billionaire Heiress
Nicole Stanton, the richest young woman in the world, showed up low profile at the airport but she was immediately swarmed by reporters.Reporter: “Ms. Stanton, why did your three-year marriage with Mr. Ferguson come to an end?”She smiled and said, “Because I have to inherit my billion-dollar family fortune…”Reporter: “Are the rumors that you’ve been dating a dozen other young men within a month true?”Before the billionaire heiress could speak, an icy voice came from not far away. “No, that’s fake news.”Eric Ferguson stood out in the crowd. “I also have a billion-dollar net worth. Ms. Stanton, why don’t you inherit my family fortune?”
8.515.4M viewsCompleted
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A Mãe Árida dá à luz a Sextuplos ao CEO
A Mãe Árida dá à luz a Sextuplos ao CEO
Amy não esperava que seu marido, a quem ela amava e confiava sinceramente por muitos anos, a estivesse traindo fazendo sexo com a secretária dele. Quando ela o confrontou, ele e sua secretária zombaram dela e a ridicularizaram, a chamaram de estéril na cara, afinal, ela não concebeu nos últimos três anos que estava casada com seu marido, Callan. Terrivelmente desolada, ela pediu o divórcio e saiu para o clube, ela escolheu um gigolô aleatório, teve uma noite quente com ele, pagou-o e desapareceu para uma pequena cidade. Ela voltou ao país seis anos depois com três garotos fofos idênticos e três garotas fofas idênticas da mesma idade. Ela se estabeleceu e conseguiu um emprego, mas logo descobre que seu CEO era o gigolô com quem ela fez sexo seis anos atrás no clube. Ela será capaz de esconder suas seis fofuras de seu CEO, que por acaso é o homem mais poderoso de NorthHill e acredita-se que seja infértil? Amy e o homem mais poderoso de NorthHill podem se dar bem, considerando a diferença social entre eles?
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Married by Mistake: Mr. Whitman's Sinner Wife
Married by Mistake: Mr. Whitman's Sinner Wife
Madeline Crawford has loved Jeremy Whitman for twelve years, but ultimately it was him who sent her to prison. In between her suffering and pain, she had to witness her man fall in love with another woman…Five years later, she has returned with renewed strength, no longer the same woman he belittled years ago!With this newfound strength, she will tear apart those who pretend to be pure and step on the scums of this earth. However, just as she is about to have her revenge with the man who wronged her… He suddenly turns from a cold, unfeeling psychopath, to a caring, warm and loving man!In fact, he even kisses her feet in front of a crowd, all while promising her, “Madeline, I was wrong to love another. From now on, I will spend the rest of my life trying to make it up to you.” To which Madeline replies, “I’ll only forgive you if you....die.”
7.912.7M viewsCompleted
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Aku Seorang Kuadriliuner
Aku Seorang Kuadriliuner
David Lidell muntah darah dan pingsan setelah dia berkelahi dengan saingannya dalam cinta. Ketika dia bangun, dia menyadari bahwa dia mendapatkan sebuah sistem yang sangat mewah, dan sistem itu memintanya untuk menghabiskan uang satu kuadriliun dolar. Sejak saat itu David memulai perjalanannya menuju puncak kehidupannya. David, “Aku tidak akan berpura-pura lagi. Sekadar informasi, aku adalah seorang kuadriliuner…”
9.24.7M viewsCompleted
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The Cheap & Dupe CEO
The Cheap & Dupe CEO
After Adam the CEO suffers a major accident, he finds a dupe who looks just like him and makes him take his place temporarily. Adam was a playboy, and so all the girls he used to date would now come flocking to the dupe after hearing about the accident, but what they slowly see is a completely different guy who acts as cheap as they come, except in bed, only where he’s willing to use protection. However, the women aren’t so simple, and the only place and time they want him to be cheap is in bed! Behold the hauntingly hilarious tale of the cheap and dupe CEO to know what becomes of him!
1010.9K viewsOngoing
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Saat Matanya Terbuka
Saat Matanya Terbuka
Avery Tate dipaksa menikah dengan orang kaya oleh ibu tirinya karena kebangkrutan ayahnya. Dia adalah tangkapan bagus, si jagoan—Elliot Foster— yang sedang dalam keadaan koma. Di mata orang-orang, hanya masalah waktu sampai dia berstatus janda dan diusir dari keluarga itu.Keadaan berubah karena ketika Elliot tiba-tiba terbangun dari komanya.Marah dengan situasi pernikahannya, dia menyerang Avery dan jika ada anak, dia mengancam akan membunuh mereka "Aku akan membunuh mereka dengan tanganku sendiri!" dia berkata sambil menangis.Empat tahun telah berlalu ketika Avery kembali ke kampung halamannya dengan membawa anak kembarnya—laki-laki dan perempuan.Saat dia melihat wajah Elliot di layar TV, dia mengingatkan anak-anaknya, "Jauhi pria ini, dia bersumpah akan membunuh kalian berdua." Malam itu, komputer Elliot diretas dan dia ditantang—oleh salah satu dari si kembar—untuk membunuh mereka. "Datang dan temui aku, brengsek!"
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Os olhos dele abriram
Os olhos dele abriram
Avery Tate foi forçada a se casar com um figurão por sua madrasta, graças à falência de seu pai. Mas tinha um detalhe, esse figurão — Elliot Foster — estava em coma. Aos olhos do público, era apenas uma questão de tempo até que ela fosse considerada viúva e expulsa da família.Mas tudo mudou quando Elliot inesperadamente acordou de seu coma.Furioso com a situação de seu casamento, ele soltou sua raiva em Avery e ameaçou matar seus bebês se eles tivessem algum. "Eu vou matar eles com minhas próprias mãos!" ele gritou.Quatro anos se passaram quando Avery mais uma vez voltou para sua terra natal com seus gêmeos - um menino e uma menina.Ao apontar para o rosto de Elliot na tela da TV, ela lembrou aos bebês: “Fiquem longe desse homem, ele jurou que ia matar vocês dois”. Naquela noite, o computador de Elliot foi hackeado e ele foi desafiado - por um dos gêmeos - a cumprir sua promessa. “Vem me pegar, seu cuzão!”
9.38.5M viewsCompleted
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Ang Asawa kong Tinitingala ng Lahat
Ang Asawa kong Tinitingala ng Lahat
Biyenan:“Layuan mo na ang anak ko! Hindi siya karapat dapat para sa isang basurang katulad mo!”Makalipas ang tatlong araw, bumalik ang manugang nito sakay ng isang mamahaling sasakyan.Biyenan:“Parang awa mo na iho, huwag mong iwan ang anak ko.”
9.58.7M viewsCompleted
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Grudge of the Vengeful CEO
Grudge of the Vengeful CEO
In this gripping tale of betrayal, revenge, and love, we follow the journey of Nagid, the male protagonist. Nagid's life takes a tragic turn when a woman he trusted callously stabs him in the heart, declaring him an obstacle that must be eliminated. Miraculously, Nagid awakens to find himself transported back to the day his nightmares began, armed with a second chance to change his fate. Determined to rectify the wrongs committed against him, Nagid embarks on a captivating and enticing journey of vengeance. As he explores the depths of his newfound power, Nagid unveils the true nature of the betrayal that had plagued his existence. Along the way, he discovers allies and adversaries, testing the boundaries of love and loyalty. Driven by a burning desire for retribution, Nagid becomes a force to be reckoned with, utilizing his second chance to its fullest potential. With each step he takes, Nagid meticulously plots his revenge, leveraging the knowledge of his past to shape a different future. But as he delves deeper into his quest, Nagid must confront the complexities of his emotions, grappling with the delicate balance between justice and his own humanity. As the story unfolds, the twists and turns that Nagid encounters on his path of redemption. Will he be consumed by vengeance, or will love and forgiveness prevail? Join Nagid on an epic journey through a world of treachery and redemption, as he seeks to unravel the mysteries of his past and forge a new destiny.
9.812.5K viewsOngoing
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The Secretly Rich Man
The Secretly Rich Man
That day, my parents and sister who were all working abroad suddenly told me that I was a second-generation rich with trillions of dollars in wealth!Gerald Crawford: I am a second-generation rich?
8.96.8M viewsCompleted
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