The Ceo's Quake

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The Ceo's Quake

By: Renglassi OngoingUrban/Realistic

Language: English

Chapters: 51 views: 1.2K

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Daron Lunerd Finds himself in a heartless family's where he is treated like a slave, knowing he is poor alone made them hate him for being married to their heiress, but what they do not know is that Daron is a runaway heir of the richest incorporation in the world, with his eyes blinded with acid and their betrayal... He not only uses his wealth but his new found system force to revenge, because it's payback time!

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  • Harrihon Ray


    This book is a true work of art

    2024-02-27 05:20:19
  • Cute Boniface


    The author's ability to Create tension and suspense is masterful

    2024-02-27 04:59:18
  • Ryan matews


    This book is a must read for anyone looking for a powerful and moving story

    2024-02-27 03:44:19
  • Georgiana Lewis


    The world building in this book is incredibly, vivid and immersive

    2024-02-27 02:35:51
  • Phillips grey


    The characters in this book feel so real and relatable, wonderful writtng

    2024-02-27 02:20:29
Latest Chapter
51 chapters
Chapter 01
Daron is a Baron!Fire erupts with fumes!You guessed right... He was a blacksmith whose work was to filter iron scrabbles to create useful artifacts people would pay for, and in return he would always surprise his wife."Gong!" He uses his hammer to leave a last hit over the iron Vase, as he poured water over the vase which he had made.The vase had a name on it, It held his greatest secret which he kept to himself being the son of a deceased Trilionaire.While in the mourning of his late father, Daron got a Phone call from his wife."Daron..." She sorrowfully called his name.Her voice got him worried Immediately as he wondered what must have been the issue."What is it?" He asked."I have been meaning to tell you Daron, and I think it's time for you to know the truth." She said."What truth?" He asked."The truth about our family Friend Mr. Henderson Charles." She said to me."Tell me already." Daron asked, upset."You won't believe, my mum slapped me because I refused to accept he
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Chapter 02
Daron was released that same moment.He fell to the ground feeling his flesh burn."Ha!" He tried to express his pain but he couldn't... The pain he felt was stronger than anything he had ever gotten in his life.Elisa immediately removes her neck warmer and carries her husband over herself."Hahaha! That should teach him a good lesson!" Madam Denilson said as she laughed."Mother, why?" Elisa asked."If you don't marry Mr. Charles, I would take his life, and you know... I run one of the greatest security companies, so not even the government will be against me!" She said wickedly to Elisa as the parlour door opened with Henderson Charles waling straight to where Elisa was."I heard about the fun activity and decided to come watch it live." Mr. Henderson Charles said as he caressed Elisa's hair while she held her husband."You should listen to your mother and spare the poor man's life." He mocks aggregating Elisa."He's my husband, he is no poor man!" She said as she spat on Henderson
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Chapter 03
Daron was now Hideous!He looked at the mirror by his left side.Seeing how hideously looking he had become."Now... A cleaner is meant to clean, here is the mob, begin cleaning immediately!" Madam Denilson ordered as she threw a mob at him.He held the Mob to himself as she held him by the arm, dragging him into the tiled family garden."Drop the mob!" She ordered."I think you should sweep and pick up all the dirt in the entire garden instead." She fired as the entire family began to gather mocing him.Daron was the latest person to challenge his mother in law whenever she gives an order.There were already cleaners in the house, so maid Daron sweep the house was part of her plans to humiliate and downgrade him... Till he succumbs to her sexual motives.She wanted to make a sugar boy out of him.Out of her own daughters Husband!Such a disgrace to motherhood."How long will you keep deceiving yourself Daron... Isn't it time you leave here?" A voice said to him."I won't give up... E
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Chapter 04
In his sleep... Daron pleaded to God.He pleaded to the universe.Asking for help... He wanted to stop his wife.She wasn't meant to marry that monster.He could already see their love falling apart… She might be after power but she still loves him and she has his child!"She belongs to me." Daron said as a tear rolled off his eyes as he struggled to wake up."You can't marry him!" He screamed inside of him as he fought the drugs in his veins."We are married, we are meant for each other." He cried more, struggling like a warrior."You're mine!" He screamed while waing up and he refuses to shut his left eye as he raises himself from his bed and begins to head outside.The entire Denilson housing was silent."Boss... Your wife is getting married to Henderson Charles." One of the guards said to him."Where? Where's the place." He pleaded."Hmm... Boss, I might get fired." He confesses as Daron holds his hand tightly to himself."She's my wife, please, I don't want to lose her." Daron pl
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Chapter 05
Daron couldn't even see."I'm blind now..." He cries."I have no use no more." He added."I can never see the beauty of my wife again." He said and it touched the men."I'm sorry man, you have no use since you're blind but Sir. Henderson Charles sees you as a threat and has ordered for your death." The man said cracking his gun and then Daron realised."You will meet Henderson soon in hell." He added.Daron realised he was at his point of death."Please wait... If you happen to come across my wife, please tell me that I am sorry I ruined her plans, I love her and she should please forgive me." Daron said as he raised his chin up.Ready to be killed."After the count of three... Everyone, Shoot at him." The man ordered the rest."One!... Say your last prayer." He said."Two... Remember that name, Henderson Charles." The man said, preparing his aim to shoot comfortably."Three! Fire!" The Man orders as all the men instantly open fire on innocent Daron who opened his arms to accept his d
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Chapter 06
Daron held his wife.Soon they lodged at a hotel."We need to talk." Daron tells his wife as they enter a hotel room.The reason why he did it was because he was trying to calm himself down in order to know what he was meant to do next."Talk about what?" She asked.But Daron was still unstable.This was because two things were ongoing in his life at this point and if he was going to win then he had to have a strong plan!It has to be a plan that will help him to conquer his enemies so that he can destroy them all.He wondered if Elisa actually knew of his true identity being a multi trillion-dollar controller that he was but he knew she was naive and definitely he could still convince her otherwise.The naive behaviour needed to stop too.So the plan was simple.He has to deceive his wife."Please forget what you saw earlier, I do have a confession." He said."What confession?" She worriedly asked."I am a meta - Human." He said."Is that all?" She asked."Yeah." He lied.The only wa
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Chapter 07
Gha! - He Becomes like a God!Never in their lives would they have believed that Daron would come back the way he did with Elisa next to him.Mr. Nicole never thought that Daron would still be alive as he trusted his boys so much that they would execute Daron.But now it is evident they failed.He wanted to have Elisa to himself but on seeing Daron now... He could tell that Daron was two steps ahead of him and it provoked him!"Now listen to me carefully, my wife will not be threatened by any one of you!" Daron warns them not to lay a finger on Elisa."I don't care who the fuck you all are... I will destroy you and everything you have in seconds... I am a meta human... You are all warned!" Daron said as he uses his powers to raise everyone into the air and then Drops them.The tables had now turned into his favour.Although now... They now knew they had an enemy they can't just Eradicate easily.Daron then levitates as well before dropping everyone back to the ground roughly."I don't
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Chapter 08
Daron felt pained!But he held it inside himself.They had wronged him and his wife, and they must pay for the damages they have caused!"Is she awake yet?" Daron asked the doctor who placed his hand around Daron' shoulder causing the guards which came with Mr. Lugard to react."Sorry, I am very sorry about your loss, the cause of losing the child was as a result of shock, it was a situational fear that provoked an induced labour, she will be awake in some minutes." The doctor said and walked away."Ahh!" Daron yells as Mr. Lugard holds him with a heated up tear, rolling out of his eyes.Mr. Lugard quickly cleans the tears off as Daron cries inside of him, then he walks towards the room, entering it to see his wife unconscious still."They hurt the three of us and they will pay with their lives!" Daron cried as he stood a seat next to his wife, waiting for her to wake up.Recalling how she saved his life was just something so golden that he wasn't expecting that time.She pulled a tri
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Chapter 09
Daron was indeed proud of his wife.He had confidence that they could use the weakness of her family's apology to get his firsts and major plan, which was to know the benefit of forcefully getting Elisa married to Henderson and the ability to crumble the both parties.Madam Denilson could play the game of politics but they all never knew Daron was Politics himself and it is even way worse now that he has a system to give all the information he needs and is indestructible to their various attacks."Young master." Mr Lugard walked in.Daron signs using his eyes and Lugard remembered Daron had decided to keep his wealth Confidential.He then walks towards Daron and whispers into his eyes, informing him that he learnt the Denilson's were coming and asked Daron what was next."What is next?" Daron asked back."How good is your I.T Ipad?" Daron asked.An I.T ipad is a device used by strong Central intelligence agencies to hack and gain special informations, normal devices can't access."Try
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Chapter 10
Elisa carefully sneaked further in."We have to kill Elisa!" Elisa heard.Her heart started beating.She also began to think about her late father.Could her step mother have a hand in his mysterious death?Seeing from the evil games her step mother is feeling, Elisa begins to feel unsafe in her own fathers house as her step mother is a witch."Henderson, you know the reason I am maing all these sacrifices for you." Her step mum said."I know, but your plan is scary... I know I don't love Elisa but I have sympathy, how can you want to get rid of her?" Henderson asked."Because if she refuses to marry you and her useless husband comes and advises her to take hold of her fathers company since she is the legal heir... Don't you know we will be doomed?" She said to Henderson.Elisa was shocked.What did her step mother mean by doomed?"I thought I was wise to have killed him but I made a mistake because I never knew his accounts would be frozen to be only opened by his heir... That clever
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