Not a choice

After the ritual of breaking the marriage seal, the King felt happy and relieved, apart from his daughter having a normal life, now nothing could threaten to take her away from him. Although he had great doubt they could defeat a god from the second circle, only if he had known that a greater danger was lurking around the Kingdom, a danger that knows the Kingdom so well, a danger that was born and breaded in the Kingdom.

Emi found it hard to knock on Ajanaku’s door, nevertheless he summoned the courage of doing that, some seconds after the third knock, Ajanaku came out to meet him.

“Can we at least go inside?”

Ajanaku only nodded his head sideways, signifying to Emi that it wasn’t possible

“I know how upset you are with me, but trust me, I have no interest in marring the

Princess” Emi said, trying to be as open as possible, the maiden contest was the next day, how would he try to make the King understand him.

“The only reason I am angry, is not because of whatever the reason the King gave you, but Esu telling me for himself, and even I told you how I felt about her and you told me about having the upper hand, in this situation”

Ajanaku without waiting for any reply, closed his door, right in front of Emi like nobody was there.

Emi sadly made his way out of the Warrior’s compound and had it in mind to go to training ground, since it would be easy for him to think over there, all warriors were preparing to fight for the maiden they loved, so the only thing they needed after training was to get themselves fortified, so literally the ground was free to think, and that was Emi needed at this time,

He found a spot to sit placed his hand on his chin, and sighed aloud, just then he saw a familiar figure coming from afar.

PRINCESS!! Emi heart shouted aloud, he began feel worried and tried the next exit, but was futile.

“Emi” The princess shouted from afar and ran up to him

I am done for, Emi thought within himself, but he had no choice than to wait, at least this authority was greater

“Where were you off to, trying to avoid me” The Princess said trying to fake her anger

"Huh I am sorry Princess, I didn't see you earlier"

"Hope you will be contesting for a maiden tomorrow"

At this question, Emi could tell his legs were no longer willing to carry him, he sat down and with the Princess sitting next to him, his heart beat faster than normal.

"It's a little complicated Princess"

Don't I look beautiful enough, the Princess thought within herself

"What's complicated? "

Emi had the urge to look at the entrance of the training ground and saw Ajanaku standing by the entrance and quickly looked another direction

Idiot, this complicated, Emi thought, now things just got more than complicated.

"I am sorry Princess, I can't answer that" Emi replied a mix of hate in his speech.



It was only few hours to the next day, Emi honourably dressed, walked up to the huge round table that was filled with more than enough food to go round for twenty people back and forth. Kings, Chiefs, Rich men from different part of the Kingdom were already making themselves present as the King took on the stressful duty of hugging and welcoming them.

Emi sat down on the seat allocated to him, just then Ajanaku walked up to him

"Watch your back during the contest" Ajanaku said and made for his own seat. 

Emi was surprised how quickly Ajanaku had bitterly despised him.

Emi! He looked towards the King direction and was signalled to come

"Emi, meet my friend, Ogunsanmi, and here is Emi" The King said patting Emi proudly on his back

"My son stands no chance in the contest, I must say, even now that A Spirit Warrior would be involved" Ogunsanmi said examining Emi's structure.

"I won't be contesting" Emi said,

Breaking the hard news in an unpleasant way.

Hmm! The King cough slightly and strangely looked at Emi liked he had seen a ghost.

"You don't have too anyway, am sure the Princess already has her eyes on you"

Ogunsanmi said, and pointed to the Princess, who all these while had been staring gracefully at Emi.

Day approached steadily, little by little, some in groups, converging to the arena ground where the competition and various activities will be taking place. The first event in line was the maiden dance, dancing vigorously to the rhythm of the local two head drum and banta coupled with sweet rhythm flow of shekere as they danced the Princess only had her attention on Emi, trying to figure out if he got interested in any of the maidens that danced.

"You love him?" the King asked noticing the strange attention his daughter gave Emi

"Yes, but I don't think he is alright, something is wrong with him"

After the dance, that drew lots of cheers from the spectators, one of the palace elders stood up to talk.

"Welcome everyone once again, without delaying, we would go to the next item, the one you've been waiting for"

At this speech the audience gave a loud cheer, feeling happy, the uproar, could be noticed to have shook the ground.

"All contestant should prepare, as it will be a stage of last man standing"


Minutes later the fighters gathered into the arena, every one of them, saw it as a privilege, and a fair way of asking the Princess for marriage. And wonderful opportunities attached.

More than 30 in number, more reason the King and Princess found it hard to know if Emi was among the contestant were some of them guarded their faces, covering it completely with helmet.

"Do you see Emi?" The King asked the elder the sat close to him

"No, your highness"

The King only sighed with worried expression on his face, so Emi dared to defile his order, a direct one at that.

The King took a bowl and poured the water into the arena from where he stood, the water had barely touched the ground, when the fighters had started advancing hurriedly at themselves.

The fight was tough, even the noise and cheering from the crowd played a great role in elevating the morales of the fighter. Soon, the contestant were only down to two.

Both of their faces covered completely. One of them removed his helmet and was relieved by the fresh air he breathed. It was Ajanaku, he moved in circles as his opponent did likewise

"It’s now down to me and you"

The other fighter also removed his helmet,a light mark ran from his right eyes down to the left chin. It was Emi

"Let's judge this with our fist" Ajanaku said and dropped his weapons and shield as does Emi.

The King where he sat, felt relieved on seeing Emi.

"Was he joking when he said he won't be contesting" The King thought.

Although Emi was serious about not contesting, but within an hour something had changed his mind.

"Let see if an immortal can withstand two hit of a THUNDER BEAST SOUL?" Ajanaku said grinning from chin to chin.

AHHHHHHH!!! They both advanced in great speed, even the spectators found it difficult to know who threw the first hit

An hour before the fight, during the maiden dance, the Princess excused herself to attend to her friends. After a brief chat, she made her way out of the chamber and was surprised to see Emi at the door.

"Emi" She said feeling happy


I have come to discuss something with you"

Adeshewa felt a heavy burden placed on her heart, something told her all was not well

"I can't marry you, even at that I have no feelings for you" Emi said with his face looking down and a shaky voice.

Without much struggle, tears began dropping freely from her eye, she felt humiliated for the first time, even when Esu was enthrone to her, She has never felt worse.

"I am sorry Princess"

"Emi, why, why do I deserve this? "

Emi felt guilty, he shouldn't have taken this action, he now felt sorry for himself than he did for Adeshewa

"Just go, leave my sight" She said lowly and excused herself.

"What kind of discerning spirit do you have, I thought Warrior gods were suppose to be the wisest among men" It was Ajanaku, he had himself listening to all their conversation

"I did it because of you" Emi said

"I also admire her" Emi said again

"There is only one way to settle this, let's meet on the arena, warrior god" Ajanaku said and hit Emi on the shoulder

Back to the Arena, Emi pulled himself from the ground, luckily dodging Ajanaku's blow that bore a deep hole into the ground, very close to his head, without hesitation, he punches Ajanaku on the stomach with his glowing hand, trying not to hit him with the full strength of his Beast Soul. Ajanaku flew some few meters from Emi at the impact of the punch.

Ajanaku from where he was, summoned his Arrow beast soul and fired at Emi. Emi dodged it swiftly, dodged the next one again moving closer, another one was launched, and he waved his head dodging it.

Ajanaku was about launching another one, when Emi grabbed his fist and bent it painfully as Ajanaku tried restraining himself from screaming.

Emi swayed him upside down and caught him in mid air, with forced he slammed him to the ground, giving way to rising of thick dust.

Emi eyes were already glowing like hot coal, the beads around his neck glowed likewise. He held Ajanaku by his hairs and pulled him up, his feet above the ground.

"Don't make me do this" He said and released him.

Ajanaku filled with rage, jumped and kicked Emi on the jaw, but instead of Emi going down, it was Ajanaku who fell to the ground, with a CRACK, his leg was broken.

"Stand down" Emi shouted, his eyes, glowing hard like the melted metal was flowing from them.

"The gods are blind, stupid beyond redemption, I envy you, always had the best, you even possess the Metal Soul, but it's not over, Emi"

A loud thunder crack, sounded in the sky, in broad daylight, from above descended awhirlwind that threw Emi off balance, and swirls where Ajanaku laid, covered him and ascended back into the sky, with Ajanaku in it.

Emi gained ground and discovered Ajanaku had already vanished. Even spectators were thrilled thinking it was part of the show, and gave a loud cheer as they all ran into the arena and held Emi high on their arms singing his praise. 

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