Chapter 9: Blood Essence fruits

Just as they were congratulating themselves, a Tier 2 lord Naga monster, which was double their size and had blood red scales appeared in front of them from the mist. It looked at its dead brethren and let out a shrilling scream filled with hate. It was also a mental attack and all the half step cultivators except Luo passed out.

Luo was guarded from the attack by Master Yin 'I'll guard against its mental attacks. You can take care of it without any worries.'

'Thanks master. I won't let you down.'

Luo went alongside Ma Jiande as he prepared to attack it. The Qi condensation cultivators had not passed out but it was a strong mental attack and only Ma Jiande was unaffected. "Luo, it seems it's just you and me. Don't piss your pants now."

"In your dreams brother."

Luo asked him if he had a finisher attack with his machete and Jiande said "I do but that thing's defense is very hard. It won't pierce through."

"You let me worry about that and prep

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