Rules of Engagement

Delicious aroma invaded the nostrils of Dreygo as the Bartender served a plate of medium-rare beef loin. The Bartender was different than before. He had no signs of derision on his face, and even served his two new customers with utmost professionalism.

The environment changed from hostility to pleasantness. Dreygo recognized the sudden change but his bodily desires right now weighed heavier than the questions lined up in his mind. Without any word, Dreygo attended to his rumbling stomach and eat the beef loin using his bare hands, and drank another bottle of beer. After a few burps, Dreygo regained his strength, his mentality now a little bit more sane than before.

Viriel was having a glass of water and enjoying it also without saying a word, clearly waiting for Dreygo to break the ice. Dreygo burped loudly, catching everyone's attention. It was his last bite. But the people surrounding them did not seem to care, for reasons that remained unanswered for Dreygo. Finally, he was full then he said,

"I hate you so much right now that I would like to smash this empty plate against your skull."

"Apologies my friend. It was not easy for me to travel a soul to another world, which if you would kindly remember, was illegal and with no proper blessing from the Heavenly Supreme."

"Then why did you cast me out in this place, it seemed to me, no far difference from hell?"

"Well, that luxury of transporting you to a better place was also difficult for me. Without the blessing, the Universe will decide where to cast a soul on Earth and it is random. You should be thankful, that you did not land in the ocean. It was difficult also to find where you were transported. And to anticipate your next question, same reason with your clothes and even weapons."

"What am I supposed to do? No weapons, no special strengths, all human. I almost died walking for about five hours with no water." Dreygo said irritatingly.

"Well, that is why I am here, to explain further." Viriel sounded sarcastic.

"Ok, get to the point Viriel."

Viriel ordered again a glass of water from the bartender and he happily served Viriel immediately.

Dreygo wondered how this happened, thus he asked, "How did you do this?"

"This is the common power of Angels. We are by birth, peacemakers. Mere humans easily yield to our spell. We could even stop wars if we have to, then again, it is against the laws of our Heavenly Supreme, not unless, blessed us with his authority."

Dreygo asked trying to understand the thinking of heavenly beings, "Then why is the Heavenly Supreme doing nothing to stop the wars himself? Does he like to see humans suffer?"

"War is a necessary evil. It is almost about the balance my friend, for our worlds." Viriel sounded as if, that statement made Dreygo understand how the Universe worked.

Viriel explained more obscure incidences and reasons for everything that transpired on Earth and even in the Demon world.

Plagues, random accidents, pandemics, and the like, everything was a sort of population control for both worlds, especially Earth, seemed to the tenants were also the beholders of the destruction of their very own survival. It was almost beyond the comprehension of a normal human being. So much to learn, so much to understand, so much knowledge but so little time.

Dreygo had his opinions in mind but did not pursue to argue with Viriel or else he will grow tired of listening, and maybe would bore him to death.

Then he asked, "Okay, enough with the Heavenly supreme and the balance of the worlds. I get it. Sort of. With the task at hand, why me? Why do you choose me to kill Kragus and not the other Demons? You have the power yourself that may be could defeat Kragus."

"It's simple. No other Demons wanted Kragus dead. All your kind worshipped him. Not loathed him. Not like you." Viriel drank the whole glass of water and tried to avoid the other question.

"Why won't you do it?" Dreygo insisted this question be answered.

"Well, the thing is.. ah. Let me tell you this. I will help you get what you need to defeat Kragus." Viriel stammered, and redirected the answer.

He continued, "Your state now is you are a human. At least your body is. But, what remained with you, is the power to sense the presence of other demons.

You can gradually have your Death Harbinger abilities and strength by killing other demons, who escaped the Demon world and walked amongst Earth."

Dreygo suddenly remembered, "But Demons cannot kill Demons. Much more a human could, not possible."

Viriel took something from under his coat. It was something pointy but solid and wrapped with a grey cloth. Viriel placed it on the table in front of Dreygo. Dreygo's first thought was,

'Did he find my sword, but it was too small? It was only more than a foot long.' His sword was at least over a meter in length.

"This is my first gift to you Dreygo. Open it." Viriel, with a sarcastic smile on his face.

Dreygo opened it slowly, like an actual present.

"What is this?"

"This is an Angel's dagger or we call it the Ferrum Minus (Purge blade). A weapon from Heaven. It was not easy to smuggle that here. You know we can't bring our weapons here, right?"

The dagger's design was like that of a Kunai but with a longer blade. Its blade was sharp and with unreadable markings on its side.

"How am I going to use this, tickle Kragus to death with this cute thingy?"

Viriel laughed. "No, my friend. You will use this to kill lower-level Demons here on earth.

These markings right there are written spells using ancient heavenly language. This will give you the authority to kill a demon, descend them back to Hell, and absorb their Demonic strengths.

The Demons here are in the form of human beings. They possessed willing human beings in a Demonic cult and served as vessels for Kragus and his little army."

"Where can I find Kragus?" Asked Dreygo impatiently, wanting to finish the mission immediately.

"Well, my friend, that I do not know. Kragus roam around this world, also in a form of a human being. Information floats that he is the reason for several minor and major catastrophes, accidents, civil wars, government quarrels, you name it. It is Kragus. We angels, we cannot sense him. But I know you can. You have his power when you were in hell, so you two, in theory, are connected."

Hilarious enough for Dreygo, he laughed. He did not want to overthink the reasons behind all this. He composed himself and controlled his emotions to shift to a more serious face.

"Okay, so you are telling me that Kragus is nowhere to be found and I have a cute dagger, not for Kragus but for his minions. This is getting better and better."

"We can identify the country Kragus is currently staying in, we will visit the Seer of Derunia. She can find him. She was gifted to look for people and even could see the future. And for your weapon, give me time to smuggle your sword into this world."

"So, where can we find this Seer?"

"In Derunia of course, Brighver mountain. But the thing is, I cannot go with you. The Seer attained her powers through Kragus. Her powers are demonic in nature and she was protected by Demons.

You know how demons hated Angels. She would never tell me if I am with you. She was a Demon before just like you but also in a form of a human when she migrated here in this realm. It was Kragus' strategy to cast her earlier on Earth before him to provide him strategies, information, and the weaknesses the humans have, to give him advantages to easily conquer Earth and the humans."

Viriel signaled the bartender for their bill. The bartender immediately handed a piece of paper with the orders in it and their total payable. Viriel grabbed a thick fold of paper from his chest pocket beneath his suit.

The papers were with a person's picture at the center and a bold print of a number on its corner. Viriel took about two papers and gave them to the bartender while saying, "Keep the change." The Bartender smiled and said thank you.

"Okay got it, Viriel. One last thing, where can I have that?" Dreygo pointing to that folder paper.

"Ah, this. This is what we call money. On earth, this is their currency, their instrument of trade. We do not trade gold, bronze, and silver anymore as we used to during medieval times.

They use this paper now."

Viriel taught Dreygo how to interpret money, and how it was read and gave him the whole fold. Dreygo seemed astonished with how that kind of paper can be used in so many things, the power it possessed. Pieces of paper. He was not able to comprehend everything just in that sitting. He had to experience it himself as also advised by Viriel.

"I will give worth a million dollars in cash, I have it in my car. That will suffice your mission."

"What if, my money runs out? Where do I get it?"

"Well, I cannot lecture you on how to multiply money in this world, we do not have that time. I will supply it whenever you need it. Whenever you do, just pray to me."

Dreygo again laughed harder this time, while clenching his stomach. "C'mon Viriel, you are joking, right?"

"Well, like what you did in hell. Just look upon the sky and just think of your desire, I will hear your thoughts." Viriel smiled while saying this. To the thought of a Demon, praying to an Angel. It was one of a kind.

"One more thing, Dreygo. I cannot be with you always on this journey. The Heavenly Supreme will know that I trespass Earth if I linger in this world for so much time. I am here only for twenty-four hours and I could come back once in every Earth's full rotation."

"Well, that is a comfort," Dreygo said ironically.

"I will take you to the City of Derunia, book you to a motel and you can start from there. It is a six-hour drive. This is the least I could give you now." Viriel said.

"How many horses do you have? Don't dare tell me that you only have one horse. People will say that we are homos because you look like a girl."

Viriel, this time, laughed. "We do not use horses anymore for transport my friend. I have a car parked outside. We will use that."

"Car? Don't tell me, like those two-wheeled machines parked outside."

"Nope, it's a range rover."

They stood up left the bartender's corner and went outside the diner. On his way out, the person with a broken nose even waved at him goodbye, and his face was no trace of malicious but utter peace. Dreygo waved back wearing a forceful smile.

As they went out, coldness again greeted them and Dreygo sensed no lingering Demon gatekeepers this time. He chuckled to himself. "I am going to need clothes unless you want to see me naked always."

"Clothes are in the car," Viriel said while walking towards his parked Range Rover.

Dreygo saw a black, smoothly made, the metallic vehicle with four wheels connected to each corner. The paint gleamed, and reflected the lights of Emil's Diner. Its rims were polished enough to match the elegance of its body, which stood out, especially at night time.

Dreygo did not admire much for he had no preferences for beautiful cars. But this might be better than horses.

"Ok, what are we waiting for?"

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