Demon Ascension

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Demon Ascension

By: Aspirant07 CompletedFantasy

Language: English

Chapters: 169 views: 8.9K

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Dreygo Mondus, a demon warrior, ascends back to Earth to cease the growing chaos and wrath brought about by the Hell God, Kragus Manaroth. The Hell God wants to inflict chaos, tipping the harmonious balance between the three worlds, Heaven, Demon and Earth. Dreygo's ascension strips away his demonic abilities back to a human form, which at this point, success is unimaginable. With the help of an Angel warrior, Viriel, and a human prophetess, Elaine Marks, will make it possible to conjur back his powers through killing other Demons that walk amongst Earth. Dreygo is conflicted in maintaining his mental equilibrium of being a Demon and Human. Would he be capable of Love? If his demonic abilities return, is it enough to defeat the Hell God? What will happen if Dreygo fails and Kragus succeeds in destroying the balance of the three worlds?

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  • Aspirant07


    At last for a long time. I finished this book. Bound to be working on my next book, The Immortal Greed.

    2023-03-18 11:36:28
  • One Star In the Sky


    good story

    2022-02-22 20:22:41
  • Aspirant07


    Hi, author here. thank you for you support! I will give my best to increase the rate of my uploads atleast seven chapters a week. For future reference, the longevity of this book is about 90 to 105 chapters. Thank you so much!

    2021-11-02 16:54:36


    good story

    2021-08-24 18:13:39
  • TereMar


    new genre to read. descriptive world setting

    2021-08-22 20:18:10
  • Mayeth Jamero-Bestil


    highly recommended.. very strong characters and it seems i am in the actual scene, how the author describe in details the action. well written.kudos

    2021-08-17 21:24:18
  • Mayeth Jamero-Bestil


    interesting on how to defeat a strong antagonist. is the mc capable of love?

    2021-08-17 21:05:35
  • LoveRod


    good start

    2021-08-13 01:42:00
  • Aspirant07


    Hi all. Author here. please do comment story suggestions of this book. thanks!

    2021-08-07 19:28:34
Latest Chapter
169 chapters
Death Harbinger
Lith Continent, Hell / Demon world *** The absence of moon and stars uncompleted the night sky, not even the mighty clouds danced beyond this theatric space and a thick swarm of smoke conquered what seemed supposedly beautiful. Dreygo Mondus lay on top of a large, high rock overseeing a sea of fire. He missed the feeling of hope and happiness as he glanced at the cloudy and sunshiny day when he was alive. Dreygo had lived in this wretched place for centuries. Not actually living, but never-ending dying. He smirked at the thought. His hands behind his skull and his legs stretched outwardly while ignoring the stench of slaughtered demons scattered around him had made him stare blankly at a seemingly empty sky filled with suffering and depression. No stars. Only ocher-colored, bloody cloud of smoke. He forgot what was like to sunbathe and feel a slight scorch of sunburns as he swam in the lake pool for hours when he was on Earth. This was the only memory he had about the sun, about
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Demon Lord
Lith Continent, Demon World / Hell *** The words uttered by the Angel muffled Dreygo's hearing. It replayed a few times before his comprehension. It was never before heard of for Centuries serving the Hell God, and an Angel, their known enemy, offered salvation to a Demon. "Speak your name, Angel!" Dreygo demanded. "I am Viriel, an angel of the 3rd rank. Do not fear what is to come. It is your destiny, Dreygo!" Angel knew his name. Even when Demon prays, he will be heard in Heaven. "Ascension? That's impossible, Angel!" Dreygo his voice was loud and still skeptical. "It is impossible for Demons to ascend on their own. But Angels do and can ascend another Demon." Viriel said. "That is breaking the law of your Heavenly Supreme." Dreygo snapped. "Heavenly Supreme doesn't know. I act on my own volition." "What if you will get caught? What will happen to you?" Viriel sighed, "The Heavenly law says any violation of the 5th degree will have no other forms of Judgement and will be di
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Anti Hero's Welcome
Marina, Middle Eastern Continent, Earth *** Marina, an immense place of sterile land, almost close to a desert but the temperature was cool enough when the stars were visible in the night sky. Distant mountains became silhouette giants as the blackest sky mantles this whole barren land. Bats and crows hovered over the skies and their shrieks and wing flaps were the only distinct sound, contributed by a strong blow of gale. This serene scenery was now disturbed as a large humming sound grew stronger and stronger every second as the bed of barren soil vibrates. Suddenly, a large crack appeared out of nowhere like a small fault line. As a portion of the ground opened, a burst of bright light appeared in the center. The rumbling grew stronger and a silhouette of a man crawled out from that crack. The man crawled far enough that he could lay his seemingly exhausted body against the cushion, the soil provided. The crack closed and all that disturbing sound disappeared along with its ligh
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Rules of Engagement
Delicious aroma invaded the nostrils of Dreygo as the Bartender served a plate of medium-rare beef loin. The Bartender was different than before. He had no signs of derision on his face, and even served his two new customers with utmost professionalism. The environment changed from hostility to pleasantness. Dreygo recognized the sudden change but his bodily desires right now weighed heavier than the questions lined up in his mind. Without any word, Dreygo attended to his rumbling stomach and eat the beef loin using his bare hands, and drank another bottle of beer. After a few burps, Dreygo regained his strength, his mentality now a little bit more sane than before. Viriel was having a glass of water and enjoying it also without saying a word, clearly waiting for Dreygo to break the ice. Dreygo burped loudly, catching everyone's attention. It was his last bite. But the people surrounding them did not seem to care, for reasons that remained unanswered for Dreygo. Finally, he was full
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Charms of Derunia
(Derunia City, Strata) Derunia, one of the small cities of Strata, was harmoniously situated in between a bluish indigo sea and an emerald green Mountain steep of Brighver. The Range Rover hummed silently as its revolution spiked running on a straight path along the freeway that connected the neighboring provinces before this City. Dreygo did not sleep for the long duration of the drive while enjoying the passing scenery of the Earth provides. Bright sky and the sun's rays kissed the horizon that connected the clouds and the sea. The water glittered as it danced below the sunshine. The vastness of the fields beyond the freeway gives Dreygo a sense of peace which he did not dare to understand why. He just succumbed to the feeling of tranquility and the calmness of trees as they swayed gracefully against the cool weather breeze. Viriel did not spend more time talking because he knew that Dreygo enjoyed the silence while relishing the beauty the Earth delivered. It was centuries that
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Angel Hall Assembly
(Hall of Manuheim, Heavenly world) Shimmering Gold, white marble, and white-colored concrete constructed the Angel Halls of Manuheim, The capital country of Heavenly World. Its four chandeliers of gigantic ball-like diamonds hung majestically along the vast grand hall and were emphasized as they suspended along with large cylindrical columns perfectly lined up towards the Supreme throne. These chandeliers, glittered when they swayed very delicately as the breeze touched their elegance and precarious design. The grand designs of each tileset constructed the wide flooring of the grand hall, with a Red velvet carpet with abstract Aztec designs on its pleats. The enormous concrete hall sat on a steep rocky hill that made the structure's beauty emanate more in this holy place, emphasizing this side of the Heavenly kingdom. Bed of flowers strewn across the wide cobblestone pathways from the hall's entrance to downhill towards the white simple structures, almost of uniform design. Large o
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A Prophetess Chaperon
Derunia, Earth The night was still young but Dreygo felt weary and exhausted. Maybe it was his humanity, that told his body to rest and to eat. He was not accustomed to on-time meals when he was in hell which made his mortal body difficult in adjusting. Given with the circumstances, it still felt like heaven as he was not hearing any more Demon howls, Hell monsters' growls, and the eternal deafening sound of fire flares consuming timber, eating everything in its path. Now, all silence, like music to Dreygo's ears. All he heard were car horns and dog barks but such noise did not surmount in hell. The Hell noise made him loathe to sleep, even close his eyes. If he does, never-ending nightmares will flood his dreams. He was used to it or rather immune. Dreygo was a bit annoyed, his peaceful sleep was disturbed by the irritating knock on the door. But when he saw Elaine Marks, it was almost a feeling that he was gifted from the Heavens. A beautiful face such as hers. She was like a fal
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Kragus' Sabotage
Medeyin Airlines, Kanlun Mountains, Zierra Continent Two thousand passengers shooked as the Medeyin Airlines withstand the turbulence as it sliced through thick stratus clouds when it flew above the rocky and steep mountains of Kanlun. The sun rays gleamed through the circular glass windows lined equally at the passenger's side of the plane. Its elegance and size made innate assurance with the passengers that never had in history that this type of plane crashed, most especially from one of the largest reputable airlines, Medeyin. In business class, about ten passengers were comfortably lying and sitting on flexible reclining cushion seats, it could be declined or inclined, or upright. This portion of the airline, nearest to the pilot's cabin had more privacy than the economic seats at the mid-to-back portion of the plane. Each passenger had more legroom and more features they could choose from depending on their liking. They could watch movies with small LED screens attached to the
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Ferrum Minus
(Alexis Inn, Derunia) "Breaking News! Medeyin Flight 656 was reported to crash yesterday, four in the afternoon. The Medeyin Flight Airlines Corporation had said to the public that a total of about Five Hundred passengers were on that flight including the Multi-Billionaire Lester White and his known colleague Doctor Julio Magno." "They were supposed to land at Kanlun province to heal the sick indigenous people of an unknown virus outbreak in those mountains. The last report from the pilot said that their right-wing engine failed and blew up, seemingly to be a mechanical error." "Official technical reports are still in question as of this moment and the Leaders of Medeyin Airlines refused to give an official statement. According to our source, they are still investigating what happened. As we speak, rescue teams were dispatched to the crash site, looking for possible survivors. But until now, they haven't found one yet. We are saddened by this incident and the city of ...." The Tel
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The Seer
Derunia mountains Fog settled about a hectare of land in Derunia's Mountain. The fog was unnaturally present, only covering a small portion of the vast growth of rainforest. Crows frequently flew within the fog's reach as it gave enough shade to darken the place. Tree trunks were high enough like sycamore and leaves were thick and the branches wide, that sunrays hardly penetrated its reach to the ground. This place was always quiet and gloomy, only the sound of crickets and the sound of rustling leaves as the breeze danced in between the gaps of tree trunks stood out beyond the quietness. The fog was the witch's magic, an aura to provide obscurity. It held the power to weaken normal human beings if they linger even for a few minutes. At the center of this thick fog was a large wooden house, its flooring elevated from the ground by large wooden foundations. It was like a large haunted cabin in the woods surrounded by some sort of mist that hazed the background. The house held the Se
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