


Weani in Kwena is like nowhere on Liumira. In fact, Liumira name comes from Kwena. The Green Land.

Life has a second meaning at those times of the year in Kwena. Birds’ chirping, trees’ giving their most delicious fruit, and the energies of the forest is one of the most beautiful of their existence.

That day, in the early morning, just before the sunrise, Eyula saw a blue glowing flower in her dream. And in that dream, the flower could talk in her language. But it was more like a song that was sung long before her existence on Liumira. A song that made her cry in tears despite she was in a deep state of her sleep. A song that had a deep meaning beyond her understanding. It was about a little girl who died hundreds of years ago in a sad night. Alone. Apart from her kind. A song that had deep sorrow in its roots.

The Farewell.

That morning, as she kept hearing and listening to that song, she realized that there was something coming. Something was in the air. Something untold. A story of dying and being reborn all over again. In a different level of energy. That blue glowing flower wasn’t a part of Kwena’s normal flora. It was made of pure energy. An energy that was told by her elders in nights before they would go to sleep. A story to sleep by. But now it was more than a story. The dream felt lucid and was more than just a dream.

When she woke up, she found herself crying, and her eyes were wet. Her heart was broken for a death that took place centuries ago. What was all that about?

She got up her bed, stretched in pain which wasn’t physical but more like a soul ache. Was she feeling the future of the past? She got confused for a moment then shrugged her head to forget it all.

Eyula was a healthy, strong, and powerful girl. She was in her early twenties and was able to do anything. But this very moment, something was broken in her soul. A song. A flower. A story of old days. A deep sorrow for something she didn’t know about. A long-forgotten history of destruction. Vietal. Those bad beings. Those hostile creatures. Oh, so much thing at the same time…

She washed her face with the glowing water, which was a part of their immortality achievements, which was able to give them the strength and a more efficient energy for their daily lives. She wore her clothes and the next moment, she was walking to the forest, to the deep, silent, and isolated part of their homeland. The heart of their lives, the most felt energies of their very existence. And she didn’t even know why she was going through that path. But one thing for sure, there was something this morning. The sun was the same, the clouds or the ground itself. Of course, she could see the small changes in the environment, like the floating energies in nature, the last remnants of warmer air, the more rains with pure light, the more chirping of birds and the tones of their songs. But there was that one thing different, that one invisible power that was now able to force her to go to the deep center of the forest. What was that? Why now?

The rumors were told that last night, there was that historical waited huge storm to hit Fonare, but Eyula wouldn’t believe much things until she sees them. So, these rumors could be true or could be just false news as before. These days, their history of honesty wasn’t at its best. The wars, the fall of their planetary humbleness, and their lives based on lies had broken their trust. As a result of all these unwanted events, she started not to believe everything she heard. But there was a feeling that this news could be true. Zuana was working on something to invade Fonare. This storm could be just the result of their agenda. True or not, last night, something happened and Eyula was now walking to the very center of the forest. Thinking, feeling, hearing whispers in her soul.

In Kwena, trees are tall. They are like pillars to the sky and beyond. In Kwena, the nature has its own very power to create life like nowhere on Liumira. And in the center of the forest, there is that one most powerful energy of life. And no matter how strong a Kwenal is, no one is able to go to the very center of that place. They could approach for a level. For goodness sake, some were able to go through the light of that energy in the past. But no one of them came back. That is why many of Kwenal, which were the people of Kwena, the people of forest, the ancient beings of this place, the strong creatures of this land, wouldn’t dare to go further. But from time to time, some of them tried. And as expected, they never came back. This somehow gave them the fear not to go more.

Yet, this very moment, Eyula was now walking to there. Probably to her death. And she wasn’t even afraid of that. To be honest, this non-fearing feeling was full of a different energy. An inner strength. A powerful desire to get there. It wasn’t exiting. It wasn’t full of wonder. It was just a familiar feeling that she didn’t experience before, yet so known by her soul. This euphorically familiar feeling was able to force her to her probable death.

So, it began.

She started singing that song. That sad, pure sorrowful rhyme that ached her soul by its own existence.

The Farewell…

Oh, sweet Ileya

Your tiny hands hold the snow

And a cloudless night in your dreams

And the stars

Oh, little sweet Ileya

In a faraway land

You lost time

And ever since then

The snow drops

And in the night

And the stars are so far away

And the stars ever since

Keep falling into you

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