III: Kingdom of Kokoshi

“A poisoned truth equatest o a magic lie.”

CHAPTER III: Kingdom of Kokoshi; A Woman In Suit

   THE CASTLE WAS located at the center of the whole Kokoshi town as I had perceived. The thread of hills I saw from the port earlier today wasn’t the end of the road, instead it hid the entirety of the chateau.

   In between two hills, stood up a high, heavy-looking, wooden gate. With iron bars clasping it together, and spiky metals on the above tip, it looked tough and finely compressed—just as it should be. Beside the gate,

sat one gatehouse, which I assume to be where the knights settled to guard the entrance.

   It was the kingdom’s fore security.

   As we were approaching, I couldn’t help wondering what an actual castle looks like. I have only seen it on TV before. And I never would’ve imagined that I’d be seeing one for real. I must be dreaming.

   “We’re approaching the gate, Your Majesty,” said Raul, the one driving the horse I was also riding. “You must’ve missed this place.”

   It was now a full night. Dark. But the path started to be lit bright as we were nearing the gatehouse that entails a lot of torches. We stopped a few meters from the gate, taking time to view the display.

   I was then helped in getting off the horse’s back. My legs felt numb and shaky as I landed. The knights in charge immediately noticed our group and approached. And their eyes easily recognized the prince—which was presently being possessed by me.

   “Prince Sigmund! Welcome back!” the knight screamed and bowed, his head bent really low. After seconds, he looked back at the smaller gate where he came from and demanded. “The Prince is back! Make your way for the Prince!”

   The rest of the knights rattled.

   I had no idea who this Prince Sigmund was. I had no knowledge about him, nor this kingdom. But one thing’s for sure, I made up my mind. As I rode the horse a little earlier, I defied myself and thought about the idea the townspeople came up with. Amnesia didn’t sound so crazy. The sole reason why I came to this horrible decision.

   I’m going to bet and play his role until I gather enough information. Because I knew, this place wasn’t ordinary, nor its people.  I realized that by the moment I saw myself—or rather, the prince in the window. Besides, I didn’t even know where the prince was. The problem would still be unsolved, for I was in his body and he might be in mine. This was what I usually see in movies. Exchanging souls. I didn’t even know it could happen to me.

   That is why for now, they are going to know me as the dear Sigmund.

   And I am the Prince of this kingdom.


   “YOU CAN LEAVE here. We will continue to assist the prince in your part from here. Thank you for your service,” said one knight to Raul and Beto, but they refused.

   “As you see, there is something about the prince that we would like to report to the castle ourselves...” Coughed Beto.

   The knight seemed to be confused. He didn’t ask more but instead paid a glance to one of his companions, as if getting permission. One knight skimmed a small notebook before looking up, nodding. They eyed one another for moments before paying a glance at Beto again. “Alright. We approve your entreaty.”

   They opened the smaller gate enough for the two horses to pass through. “Please leave any sharp object you have with you, if there’s any. Claim it back when you leave later. It’s the rule.”

   “Yes, Sir,” they answered at once.

   When they were done inspecting, I proceeded to hop back on the horse I had ridden a while ago, struggling. Why the hell is this gate so far away from the castle that we still need a horse? I hate royal life.

   We urged forward. The night was too dark, yet it wasn’t enough to devour this place. It was still a wide and long stone pathway, except it had stone railings by each side unlike before. Torches were lined up almost each meter we passed through, leading us the way.

   And when I got the opportunity to look up, there I saw it. The castle…

   I ran out of words.

   It was big. Gigantic. Towering. Wide. From afar, it could be expected that it was made of cobblestone and glass. I wasn’t so sure, the night clouds were hiding the top of the roofs but I think I saw two flags, flying in the air. Proud. And the rest of the details were no longer clear at this hour of darkness, in addition to the quake of our ride.

   Then from a distance, I gradually heard some raving noise. Heavy. Pouring. Humid. I turned to Raul. “Do you hear that?”

   Raul glanced back at me, attention still focused on the ride. “Yes, Your Majesty. It seems like you also forgot about the castle itself. You sure have a lot of catching up to do from now on.” His voice was starting to sound incoherent and subdued, causing my brows to knot. 

   The noise started to grow louder by second until I could no longer hear anything else aside from it. I tried to peek in front, I could not see what was ahead because of Raul’s wide back. Then slowly, I heard hefty thuds at the back. Four knights on black horses had caught up to us, to stand guard, I bet.

   “Is it water? A body of water? Falls?” I leaned closer so I could hear his reply.

   “It sure is, Your Majesty,” he chuckled. “It is even better to see it during daybright.”

   “You’ve been here before?”

   “Yes, Your Majesty. To run some errands.”

   After what seemed like eternity, we finally arrived at the end of the aisle. We stopped in front of a wall, with a gate of pure steel this time. The place looked elegant, sophistication was all over the place, and like what I said before, it certainly looked like a scene that came directly from a book.

   The gate cracked open, the horses were left outside the gate. Two of the knights proceeded to walk us inside, while the two waited, standby. 

   Underneath the rim of the gate was dark, only a single torch lit up the small tunnel. From here, it started to look grim and gloomy. Yet at the end of the burrow, revealed light. White, blinding light.

   “This is the garden. Just walk toward a door by the end of this path, the guards will automatically let you in.” The knight stopped their tracks, steadying their swords as we reached the end of the darkness. “What’s next is the lobby.”

   I was no longer listening. Because what the hell is this place?

   It was too big for a garden!

   It was like a hedge maze. Yet the bushes were low enough for us to be able to see what was ahead. There were several beige fountains. The plants, the shrubs, the vegetables and herbs were neatly seeded in organized ranges. The flowers were colorful—way too colorful that they almost hurt my eyes. I love the cleanliness and greenness of the grass on the ground. And I thought I saw a well and a small pond in the distance too. I wonder if they had any orchards or vineyards here. 

   The area was beamed nicely by the lights and I could crystally see everything—even with my aching head from being in the dark to bright so suddenly. 

   “We shall go, Your Majesty.” 

   I was starting to hate the formalities they were giving me but I restrained myself from saying anything. We walked the aisle again, this time, my pace began to suspend. I’m tired of this walking, riding, walking, riding thing. When can we ever lay down?

   The door opened, and I finally saw what was inside. If I was amazed by the garden, then I think this would be more amazing.

   In front of me was another door. Yet before that, the red carpet was enveloping the whole floor. My dirty shoes appeared to be even dirtier in contrast with the chamber. Everything was bright and shimmering. Really bright because of the chandeliers hanging on the far ceiling. There was a cabinet table on my left with red candles placed perfectly on their glass stands. Then there was a big notebook. Raul and Beto, aside from me, were then told to jot down their names. And there, I almost thought I was busted since I don't know the prince’s full name. Although, I could still excuse it as a part of my amnesia.

   After that, they finally opened the giant door.

   And I would consider ending my life by then.

   Inside the castle walls greeted a magnificent entrance view. The marble floor was almost shining. The light from glistening chandeliers shadowed each tiny corner piece of the thick cobblestone walls, emphasizing vivid details and volume. A wide, crimson carpet trailed upon the vastness of the aisle way in the center, aiming toward what seemed like an altar. It showed a big material of cloth imprinting a fierce-looking crest—which obviously belongs to this kingdom. Big, long windows lined up as well, revealing another room through one other side. Heavy oak doors separated one another. Meanwhile, small tables with vases of flowers on top lay close to the wall in every equally divided space spot. The ceiling in addition, inscribed a number of different symbols and paintings that one could hardly comprehend without learning the town’s culture or history. And by each side of the hall, there sit divine beige staircases leading upward spiral.

   Sophisticated halls, bright chambers, crystal stairs, and beautiful architecture was what this castle is about.

   Then out of nowhere, two neat ladies came to us. Based on their outfits, they appeared to be servants of the castle. They bowed their heads low in front of me. “Welcome back, Your Majesty. Congratulations on your successful journey. Should we prepare you a warm bubble bath in your room?”

   I did not exactly know what to answer. “Ah, yes.” I timidly replied, stuttering.

   “Right away, Your Majesty.”

   After they left, the guards immediately guided us three up the stairs, our shoes fast clacking against the floor.

   But without even reaching the top floor yet, a lady came to view, descending down the staircase. She didn’t look like a queen nor a princess. She looked more like a warrior, with a sword stirring by the side of her hips when she walked; a bundle of arrows and bow fastened behind her back; flesh brown outfit under oak brown leather coat layer; and skin boots. In her entirety, she looked tough and scary.

   Then, upon noticing our presence, she stopped on her feet. She took her time processing the view… before glaring at me. I swallowed my spit, my knees wobbled a little worse. Who is she? Does she hate the prince too? Is the prince this horrible?

   I thought of looking down to hide my face but it was already too late.

   She dragged my arm really aggressively and… put me in an embrace.

   I was caught off guard, surprised.

   Her nails dug by my back and I winced a little, yet I noticed the hug tightening, and her heart drumming louder. She didn’t say anything nor did she show any expression on her face. She just simply hugged the prince as if missing him for so long.

   “You look like a loser,” she mocked, laughing quietly to my ear, as if to piss me off.

   I couldn’t move. 

   And that was when my life turned into a roller-coaster ride, except, it was under raining stardust.


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