Chapter 22 (rewritten)

But when Austin had said nothing yet, one of those evil spirits suddenly shouted out with the voice heard like lots of different tones echoed then mixed in a potion of fear. 

“Run! Run now!” That weird voice turned my head back. I watched those dead souls trying to escape in all the directions. Their figures flickered like flashes, some just drowning themselves in the dark or disappearing in the smoke's way with the rapid pace. And when I was aware of what was going on, there was just an empty place left in front of my eyes, as if those cannibal spirits had never come.

“Hmph? Running away?” As a habit, I narrowed my eyes to see clearer. But not so long after that, I recognized I was seeing with my own eyes, which were completely blind in the dark, not the ability I always got from Anne. Everything was pure black, and if I left it there in my mind, it must be the buzzing sound in my ears.

The situation of the dead souls hunting us devil raisers was quite

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