Epilogue of Part 4: Expanding worlds (End)
“Hello everyone it's me again… The lovely narrator of this story is Akashic."

Akashic stood up from her seat and walked to the bookshelf.

Taking a red book and opening it. Flipping the book she made a satisfied smile.

“Konoha didn’t know yet how many copies of herself have in this world. One of her copies is currently stirring things n the universe as a whole. I wonder what her plan is. Even the Akashic Record can’t tell what's going to happen.”

Akashic put the red book back on the shelf and get another book. A golden book she walked back to her seat and open the book.

“Now the storytelling continues.”

In a certain school in Tokyo city, Year unknown.

Her hand placed on her cheeks a girl looked toward the window with a bored expression on her face. After the class, she walked aimlessly to the street.

“Ren, I like you…”

She muttered while looking at an unfamiliar man. Snow was falling and sadness was felt both within their hearts. But they didn’t know anything. Why did she sa
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